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"Look who it is ... the men of the hour" Anna said sarcastically, not happy with Will, or any of them to be exact. From looking at Anna's face, she looked pissed off more than the other girl's. Anna had talked to Tessa before about being fed up with Will getting himself involved with the Shelby's business, he wasn't even a Shelby yet he was getting involved with there business, Anna was slowly getting fed up with it all. Tessa was mad at John for doing business, but she was going to have to get used to it as Tommy wanted the business to really kick off, and start building it up. 

"I'm back now ... we can do whatever we want now" John said smiling down at his wife, and kissing her on the lips. When pulling away, Tessa glanced at him to see a spot of blood on his jawline. 

She took hold of his face in her hands "Look at me" she licked her thumb, wetting it and wiping off the patch of blood on his face "At least clean yourself up after using your hands in a fight" 

John just shrugged his shoulders at her, throwing an arm around her own shoulder and leaning against her. Before making there way inside, Tommy looked around looking for someone in particular. Tommy eyed Tessa "Where's Ada?" 

"I sent her down further to the tracks with Curly, for him to see the horses in person" Tommy made a big fuss about it, and made his way down to the tracks leaving the rest stood there. 

"Did I really make a bad decision there?" she questioned John. 

John was taking Tommy's side here, with the mess they made with those men a while ago it would have been safer for everyone to stick together, especially the women. John wasn't going to tell his wife that, she would have words with him, Tessa was a strong individual she could look after herself. It was always best to just agree most times to things she would say, but as the man of there house now if she needed to be put in her place John would do that. 

Inside at the races, the place was very lively. There was a band playing a lot of upbeat and jazz music, there were of course beautiful girls dancing on the stage getting the place up on there feet. 

The floor was full of couples dancing together, enjoying themselves and the people around them. Of course there was a full bar, full of all the drinks you could think of they would have served right up to you. 

The men were down stairs, ordering a round of drinks for everyone. Tessa and Arthur's women were stood looking out over the balcony looking out over everything and everyone. 

"Will we get to lay a bet?" Tessa looked over to the women, shacking her head. 

"Tommy does not allow any of us to bet on anything ... he thinks betting is for mugs. He may run a betting shop, but none of the family are aloud to gamble in on the business" Tessa said explaining how Tommy runs the business. 

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