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July 1911, Small Heath, Birmingham

Up in the countryside somewhere in Small Heath Johnny Dog's was with his three kids on there way to an empty field to go shoot some pheasant's, practice their gun skills and go ride some of the horses. Johnny had brought some horses he may have stolen from some farmer. The Shelby's will also be there with them at the fields.

The Dog's were lucky as they had a car, not many people in Small Heath had one. They had their car back from Northern Ireland when their mother's family had given the car to Johnny Dog's as a gift for there wedding. Now they own the car as their mother has left them all. 

Tessa had taken a seat by the window, as she knew they were going out to the countryside again. She had not stopped gazing out the window the whole ride. There was something about the countryside that Tessa loved.

"When I'm married and have children I'm going to get my husband to buy me a house here in the countryside where we can live for the rest of our lives"

Tessa said still gazing out at the view. Johnny turned back around to look at his only daughter, laughing slightly at her plans for her future.

Will turned to his sister slapping the back of her neck laughing at her. Tessa turned to him slapping him back, which led to the both of them having a mini slap attack at each-other.

"Alright, alright. The two of you, stop that shit right now" Johnny shouted from the driver seat of the car.

Tessa and Will stopped slapping each other when their father gave out orders. Tessa sat back in her seat crossing her hands over her chest in annoyance. Edward in the front next to Johnny spoke up for the silence was deadly.

"Tess, so John is going to have to buy you a house out here in the countryside then"

Edward looked over at his father the two of them laughing at Ed's comment about John and Tessa.

"Who ever said that I will marry him"

"Tessa there is no way you are going to let John marry some other gal" Will said from beside her looking out at all the empty fields.

Tessa though for a moment "I have nothin to say about that"

"You remember a couple of months back when John was with Marta for a night, you were so pissed. You trashed her house, and had a full on fight with one of her older sisters. That was some funny shit"

Tessa just rolled her eyes "She deserved that, Marta is just a jealous bitch cause she knows that I got John and she didn't"

"That's me bloody girl" Johnny shouted from the front, Tessa smiled sweetly at her father.

Out on the fields in the countryside Johnny, Will, Edward and Tessa made there way deep into the middle of the field.

Tessa ran ahead to her oldest brother Will, he looked beside him looking down at Tessa.

"WHAT" Will shouted at her. Tessa placed her right hand on his left shoulder while still walking.

"How are you and ANNA doing" Tessa asked raising her eyebrows, Will snapped his head looking down at her.

"How the bloody hell did you find out about her. I kept her a secret for reason's like you" Will pointed at Tessa.

"I have my ways Will ... I'm joking Ada saw her leaving the house early one morning. Then she got information out of her, Ada's weird that way. She knows a lot of things about a lot of people"

There was a moment of silence before Will started talking again.

"Tessa keep walking make it look like we are just talking you know"

Tessa looked up at her brother with a confused face "Will ... we are just talking. God your stupid, and to think I'm related to you"

Tessa laughed out loud. While Will hit the back of her head, Tessa held her head in pain.

"Tessa just don't tell anyone yet about Anna. Our family is a bit out there, along with the Shelby's it's a lot to take in for someone new. I don't want her to get scared of all of this and leave me. I know she is the one for me, I can't let you or the others wreck it for me"

Tessa held her hands up in defeat.

"Don't you worry brother, I'll take it to the grave" she smiled, pointing at her nose.

"Worry is the only thing I can do right now" Will sighed walking ahead of Tessa. She held her hands up in the air.

"What did I do?" Tessa shouted out to Will walking away from her.

Johnny placed an arm around her shoulder walking with her, alongside Edward. The three kept walking behind Will who went ahead of the three.

"What's wrong what ya?" Johnny asked her.

"Nothin" Tessa replied.

Johnny Dog's, Will, Edward and Tessa sat on the grass waiting for the Shelby's to arrive, which was taking long as they expected.

Moments later out in the distance they could vaguely see silhouettes of the Shelby's.

As they got closer Johnny shouted to them.

"About time, we were thinking of having our tea out here instead of having it at home. Ye took your bloody time" Johnny shouted throwing his hands in the air.

Polly stacked towards Johnny with Finn in her hands "Shut up Johnny, you try taking care of five ... well three kids on your own and then getting them down here" Polly shoved Finn into Johnny's arms and walked away from him.

"You alright Finn boy"

Johnny spoke to the three year old. Finn just looked up at him, gazing his eyes into the older mans one.

John walked towards Tessa, with his hands in his pants pocket and a toothpick between his lips. Tessa smiled, seeing him in her eye view. She removed the toothpick from his mouth and gave him a quick peck on the lips.

John moved away from the kiss "I need you right now. I want you right now" he said on her lips going in for another kiss, grabbing her hips. Tessa laughed moving away from him.

"Not right now John, later"

Tessa smiled whispering into his ear and walking away from him to gather around the others. John just sighed following after her putting his toothpick back into his mouth.



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