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July 1914 / A week later

"Katie, look at you go" Tessa smiled looking down at her daughter, grabbing onto the edge of the kitchen counters walking along next to them. 

Katie was going to start walking any day now, she was very much using anything to grab hold of to walk by herself. She would even grab hold of anyone's hand and support herself up and walk with there hand in her little one. 

The noise of the stairs could be heard from downstairs in the kitchen. John making his way down the stairs, with James in his arm. 

A knock could then be heard at the front door. John at the bottom of the stairs, opening the door the reveal a little kid. 

"Hi, mister. I'm looking John Michael Shelby" the kid was obviously to young to know who the Shelby's were. 

"Aye, that's me" 

The kid handed over what looked to be a letter "That's for you" 

John looked down, knowing exactly what was written inside of it "Thanks kid" he said as the little man made his way to the next house to deliver more letters.  

John sighed, making his way into the kitchen. Standing in the doorframe he looked over to both Tessa and Katie, he was going to be a wreck having to leave them and the twins. 

"Katie is going to be walking any day now ... she may even walk before you leave" Tessa said all excited about Katie's first time walking. 

John put James down into the high chair in the kitchen next to William, and crouched down to eye level with Katie. 

"Say dada ... go on say dada" John said slowly pronouncing the word dada for her to say. 

Tessa crouched down beside butting in "No Katie, say mama ... mama. Go on say it Katie" Tessa tried to egg on her daughter to call out to her first. 

There had always been a competition between the two parents on who their child would call out to first. John had always said that Katie would call him first, as all his brothers and sister called there dad first before calling out mam. Tessa begged to differ. 

"You know she is going to call me first, Tess. All the Shelby's called out to our dad first" John said teasing her. Tessa just scoffed to herself. 

Standing back up straight, she glanced to the table and there was sat a letter not opened yet. She picked it up, the front reading "John Michael Shelby" 

"What's this about?" she questioned turning around to face him with the letter in her hand. 

"My war letter" he said quietly. 

"You want me to read it? I know your reading isn't the best" John nodded his head, leaning against the kitchen counter waiting for Tessa to say those dreaded words for when he would be shipped of to war. 

Tessa stood in the kitchen along side John staring at her listening to every word that came out of her mouth. She read each sentence slowly not wanting to get to the worst part of this whole letter. 

"Tomorrow" Tessa had finally said the word she was dreading to hear or see on paper. She didn't look up, she kept her gaze on the letter. If she was to meet those eyes of John she would be a crying mess. Which was okay, but she wanted to be strong she didn't want to show that she was a mess and not strong enough to get through this. 

She could hear the footsteps of him walking towards her, he didn't say anything. John just took hold of her body and hugged her. She rested her head in the nape of his neck, afraid she was going to cry. 

"We knew this was going to happen ... at least we have this day left" John whispered into her ear, placing his head down on her shoulder. 

The two stood in the kitchen in each others embrace. Even the crying of James and William couldn't reach there ears. The only sound they could both hear was one another's breathing. 

This was there last day together, and nobody knows for how long. 



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