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November 1918

Small Heath, Birmingham

"Goodnight then Ada" Tessa waved the girl away, as she made her way across the street and into the Shelby household.

Turning around in her heels, she made her way into the kitchen to fetch the kids.

"Come on then Katie" She whispered to her daughter, patting her on the back while picking up both James and William into her arms.

The four made their way down the street to Charlie's house. It was late at night around ten o'clock, the kids never really had a night routine, Tessa found it hard to even get the kids to bed in the first place.

The last couple of months, it became a routine for the women to spend some time with Charlie at his home at night, to talk over anything that had happened that day.

Standing in front of his door, Katie knocked on it waiting for him to open it and let them into his place.

The man appeared in front of them, greeting them with a cigarette in his hand allowing them in.

"Hi Uncle Charlie" Katie said looking up at him as she made her way in his living room.

"You got the two of them to sleep?" He asked as he closed the door behind her, and followed alongside her into the lit up living room.

"Thankfully, Ada got them to sleep. I don't know how, but she did. Only that one over there now is awake" She said, sniggering over to her daughter, who was sitting on the floor playing with the wooden train set.

"How's the shop been doing?" Charlie asked quickly, changing the subject.

"Myself and Polly have been doing a grand job of the place. Polly isn't happy with Ada, though ... she keeps saying that this is a family business and that Ada should be helping out, that was Tommy's orders. Ada being Ada ... she does not want any part in it" Tessa said, crossing her legs. 

Charlie sighed, rolling his eyes thinking of his only niece being a nuisance "What can Polly do? Ada is twenty one now, she has a right to make her own decisions"

"I don't know, but Tommy will have words with her when he does eventually come back ... she will be put into her place then" Tessa said lightly laughing.

The two sat in Charlie's living room, the fire blaring with heat blasting out warmth to the area. Their conversation went on for another while, checking the clock on the wall to see the time of ten thirty.

Both James and William, still conked in Tessa's arms, slept through the whole visit to Charlie's place, with Katie still playing with the train but she had become quiet showing that she was getting tired finally.

"I'm off then ... it is getting late, I need them all in bed" Tessa said as she stood up with the twin in her arms asleep.

"I will probably see you tomorrow then" Tessa nodded her head at the man walking towards the door with him.

When opening the door, something seemed off "What's with all the people and racket at this time of night ?" Tessa questioned stepping out onto the streets.

"Shh James ... shh" Tessa whispered into his ear holding him closer to her body "I'd better be off then"

"Go on then ... follow your mother Katie" Charlie said, pushing the little girl out of his house, where she ran after her mother sticking to her side.

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