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March 1912, Small Heath, Birmingham

Tessa rolled back onto the bed, hitting her head onto the pillow breathing heavily, her stomach rising and falling.

She looked to her left to see John beside her in the bed, lighting up a cigarette. Tessa stretched out her arms in the bed, resting her left arm on John's chest looking over at him.

"That was fuckin good, as usual"

Tessa breathed lightly.

John took a smoke from his cigarette passing it to Tessa. He turned on his side wrapping his arm around her and laying his head into the nape of her neck, closing his eyes.

Tessa took a couple of puffs from the cigarette, blowing out air into John's bedroom. Giving it back for him to put it on the ash tray, and he went back to his position in the bed.

Tessa put her fingers through his hair, also closing her eyes in comfort.

From upstairs the two could hear Polly shouting up at them. John sighed moving from Tessa and rolling onto his back. She sat up in the bed wrapping her hands around herself.

"She wants you down there now working doesn't she" Tessa said looking back at him. John just nodded his head.

"Also it's fucking freezing in here" Tessa shivered with the cold in the room. John laid his hand on her bare back.

"You are wearing no clothes Tess"

Tessa looked back at him, scrunching her face at him and tutting "Whatever smart ass"

John laughed at her, hitting her back for her to move. The pair both got up out of bed, dressing themselves.

Heading out the bedroom door and walking down the stairs John says to Tessa "Come back tonight for round two"

Tessa gave him a look "Fuckin hell John. Alright"

John slapped her arse walking into the betting shop leaving her, but before Tessa could even open the front door Polly walked towards her with Finn.

"Take Finn with you. I have work to do in the betting shop"

Polly handed Finn over to her, walking away from the girl. Tessa stood there with her hands in the air, looking at Polly's back.

"I guess It's just you and me Finn" Tessa took hold of Finn's hand and left the house walking onto Watery Lane.

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