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Tessa walked into the kitchen, to see her father busy cleaning it looked like to her. That was weird even in Tessa's eyes. He never cleaned.

"You going somewhere da?" Tessa asked quietly.

Johnny turned around at the voice of his daughter "I'm not, I thought I would clean up a bit"

"Umm ... I need to tell you something. Sit down" Johnny looked at his daughter and sat down at the kitchen table. The sat there in silence, Tessa not saying anything. Johnny started up the conversation instead "You're not going to tell me that your pregnant are ya?"

Johnny laughed. Tessa looked into his eyes, she couldn't bare it any longer. Tears ran down her cheeks, Johnny got up from his seat hugging his daughter.

"Hey, hey. Stop, stop. Don't cry my love"

Johnny held his daughter tight, he had always had a sweet spot for his only girl and as she was his youngest. He never liked to see his daughter upset about anything.

"What's wrong, what's wrong? Tell me"

He sat Tessa back down on the chair and sat across from her holding her hand in comfort.

Tessa hung her head low to the ground, she just couldn't look him in the eyes. She didn't want to see the look on her father's face when he finds out.

"I'm ... I'm ... pregnant"

There was silence in the room again, all that could be heard was each - others breathing and Tessa felt like she could hear her own heart beat, beating so loud she was afraid it would burst from the amount of beating it was doing.

Johnny held his daughters chin, making her look up at him. The first thing Tessa saw when she looked up and opened her eyes. Was her father smiling at her.

She was suddenly pulled into a big bear hug, her father wrapped his arms around her back, patting her back. Tessa cried again into her father's shoulder.

"Tess, I'm happy for you"

Tessa pulled away from the hug to look at her father. He was still smiling "Are you not mad?" She asked him, clearing her eyes and cheeks from her tears.

"Honestly I'm not. I thought you would have gotten pregnant early, with all the noise coming from your room with John" Johnny laughed teasing his daughter.

Tessa slapped her father's arm from embarrassment.

"I'm guessing John is the father"

"Of course he bloody is, da" Tessa said with her hands in the air.

"You really not mad tho?" Tessa asked again. Johnny took hold of her hand in his.

"I'm not Tess. I had all three of you at a young age too, and I don't ever regret it. It is going to be hard at the start, it will. I am telling you from experience, but you will have all of us and the Shelby's here for help. You'll be a great mother, I know it"

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