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July 1916

Small Heath, Birmingham

"To this day, it's been two years since the boys have left" Polly said sitting down at the kitchen table in the Shelby house. Tessa ran her fingers through her hair. 

"No need to remind me Poll, everyone around here knows that" 

"Well ... think of it this way, they can't be gone any longer. Two years is quite a long time" 

"We will all just have to keep waiting ... or like the other women and just go hang ourselves" 

Polly gasped loudly out of shock "Jesus Christ, don't talk like that Tessa. Your not having those thoughts are you ?" 

"God no Polly. I'm just saying it's terrible to see many women hung around the streets the past couple of weeks. I mean Katie has told me about seeing many women herself" 

Polly shook her head in disappointment "The kids are now getting involved with this. That is not what I want for Finn, or the your kids" 

Tessa shrugged her shoulders "What can we do about it, the kids don't want to be stuck inside all day, they would rather be out on the streets from dusk till dawn causing mischief" 

"Speaking of kids, they better get down here" Polly said moving from her seat and out into the hall shouting up at the kids to make there way down stairs into the kitchen. 

The sound of many little feet run down the stairs, brought joy to Tessa's ears. Knowing she was not alone. 

"All of you sit down" Polly shouted out over all the noise in the kitchen now, trying to feed the mouths of all the kids. 

Finally quietness had been stored, as the kids were to busy to talk with there mouths full of food. That was the only time of day when any of the kids were quiet was when they were eating. Tessa had William sat up on her lap, hand feeding him. 

When suddenly the back door of the house was swung open revealing a battered and bruised Ada. All heads turned in the direction of the door, to see poor Ada crying out for help. 

"Holy Jesus" Polly said running to the girl with her arms held out wide, Ada grabbed hold of her aunt resting in her arms. 

"What the fuck happened?" Tessa questioned, pushing William off her lap and walking towards the young girl. 

Ada tried getting out her words through her trembles "This ma-n-n" 

Polly placed her hand on her nieces back in comfort "Go on love, tell us" 

"I couldn't defend myself ... normally I could always, but not today. That man was a prick, shouting around at The Garrison to women in there. No one helped me, they all knew who I was but yet not one helping of a hand" Ada started crying again "Look what he did to my face" 

"That's it .... he should of known who he was messing with. Look at poor Ada" Tessa started shouting out, making her way towards the front door of the house. She could hear Polly shouting back, for her to say at the house. Tessa was not going to listen to her for once, Ada had been hurt and for probably no reason either. 

"Watch the kids for me" She shouted from the front door and slamming it back, making her way down the street to The Garrison to get revenge for Ada. 

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