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Down at the tracks John and Tessa stood on each side of the wall in complete silence, neither of them could utter a word out. This went on for what felt like five hours but was only twenty minutes. Tessa knew she had to be strong for John, so she spoke up first. 

Looking down at the dirty mud stuck in between the grass on the ground Tessa spoke up.

"Do you wanna talk about wh-" she was cut off by John walking towards her and crashing into her for an embrace.

John wrapped his arms around her shoulders dipping his head into the nape of her neck, leaning his whole body against hers. Tessa stood shocked with her arms held out wide not expecting that to happen. John was known as a tough guy, you wouldn't mess with or get on the wrong side of. But he was always showing different sides of himself in front of Tessa, someone he could feel free to be who he really is around her.

Tessa felt the warm embrace from him, she wrapped her arms around his upper back rubbing her hands up and down his back to comfort him in any way she could. She could hear John sigh next to her ear, sending shivers down her spine.

Both the fourteen years old stood in that position for some minutes, taking in all the noises around them. Like the noise of the dirty water flowing down the canal, the sound of trains passing with the black thick smoke coming from the engines. The only noise tho the two could hear was each other's breathing in sync with each other.

Leaning her head against his still in the same position Tessa asked John "Do you want to talk about what happened now?" in a whisper tone.

"You may think by my actions that I am upset about what happened to my mother but ... I am not as upset as Ada is. I mean she wasn't bloody there for most of our lives. Aunt Poll was the one that raised me and is still raising me"

"Are you really not that upset about your mother then?" Tessa asked still rubbing up and down his back. John moved his head from side to side indicating that he would get over this death easily.

"Think of it this way Tess, if it was you that had died. I don't know what I would do with myself, I'm not sure if I could really be in this world without you here"

Tessa pulled away from the embrace and looked into John's eyes "You really mean tha?" Tessa asked in a quiet thick Irish accent.

John held her face in both his hands, looking into her eyes and laughing

"Of course I fuckin mean it. Why wouldn't I. Your my best friend Tessa Dog's. You know I would do anything for you, and so far I have been doing everything for you" he laughed "I would always drop whatever I was doing and come to you when you needed me. I mean I have even left some girls when you were in trouble or if you needed me. Now that is something else Tessa bloody Dog's" John smirked looking at Tessa.

John let go of her face and turned around whispering to himself "You know I love ya" Tessa smiled hearing what John had said, but she wasn't sure if he meant as a friend or more.

"What did ya just say?"

John turned around smiling, shrugging his shoulders "I didn't say anything"

"Don't you be lying to me John Shelby. I heard what you said" Tessa said walking towards him.

"Do ya love me" Tessa mockingly said getting in John's face, but John held a serious look.

Pushing her against the brick cold wall with moss over grown on it. John placed his hands on either side of her head trapping her in between his arms. Tessa shocked from his sudden action, looked at his face trying to study what this gesture meant.

"Do ... you really love me?" Tessa was quiet nervous asking her best friend of thirteen years now if he loved her as a friend or more.

"You know I love you Tessa, I always have" John replied.

"But is this a friendship type of love ... or something deeper than that?" Tessa asked.

"What do you want it to be?"

"Don't put the bloody pressure on me. You're the one that is making dramatic gestures towards me and I don't know how to feel about all of this, it's wrecking me fuckin head" Tessa grabbed two fist fulls of her dark brown hair, getting confused on how John really feels towards her.

"Do you really want to know how I feel about you?" John asked looking into her dark brown-eye eyes. Tessa nodded her head looking up at John.

John removed his hands from the wall and placed one hand on her neck and the other on her hip pulling her roughly towards him. He made the first move, he placed his lips against her soft plump pinkish lips. Taking in all the glory from them. It was first just a simple kiss, like when you had your first kiss.

Tessa moved her hands into his hair pulling on it, loving the feeling of what was happening between the two. She could feel John smirk in the kiss. Going deeper in the kiss wanting more access from her mouth.

John pushed Tessa against the wall, grabbing both her hands and interlocking their fingers together. He smashed his lips against hers, loving to finally having her lips against his own after so many years.

Tessa slowly moved her lips away from John's not wanting to go the whole way just yet. She wanted to keep him on his toes for now. John moved his head away from Tessa and placed it on her shoulder. Tessa placed her arms around his torso laughing out loud.

"I can't fuckin believe what we just did"

"You liked it tho. Right" John asked worried.

Tessa slapped his back, laughing at him "Course I fuckin liked it"

John moved his head away from her shoulder and backed away from her. Looking around at his surroundings "What do we do now then?"

"We can't tell anyone can we?" Tessa asked.

John looked at her, tilting his head "I don't see why we can't tell anyone" Tessa looked at him pressing her lips together sighing "I mean I want guys knowing your with a Shelby now" John smirked walking towards her. Tessa just laughed at him.

Tessa grabbed the collar of his shirt "That means you can't go out with those other girls Marta or Lizzie. JOHN SHELBY" Tessa said pulling him closer to her by the collar still laughing.

"I'm all your's now Tessa Dog's" John said going in for another kiss.



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