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June 1898, Small Heath, Birmingham

It has been three years since the Dog's have left Northern Ireland and moved to England, Birmingham. The Dog's have already got used to the gloomy and dark sites of Birmingham as their own home.

The Dog's children have made friends with the Shelby's as Arthur, Tommy, John, Ada, Tessa, Will and Edward are all around the same age. Johnny Dog's and Polly Gray are very much relining on each-other as they are both looking after young kids by themselves. As Johnny's wife left him, and the Shelby's mother and father don't see the kids as much anymore as they are parting ways.

Tommy, Arthur, Will and Edward have become good friends over the last three years, as they feel they have the power over the other kids. As they are the older ones.

John, Ada and Tessa are the three youngest so typically they are drawn to each-other. Being that Tessa and John are born in the same year, as Johnny Dog's would say "Those two little shits, are out day and night doing god knows what" They have all ways been the closest out of all the kids.

At only three years of age John and Tessa would wake in the early hours of the morning running into each-other's house, looking for one and another.

The two could be out all day doing God knows what. The only time Johnny Dog's or Polly would see each of them was when they got hungry, or they got into trouble that would cause a stir in Watery Lane and eventually causing them to be brought straight to their front door by the guards.

There is a loud banging coming from Polly's door, Polly just knows who it will be.

"Where is John?" Polly shouts from the hallway going to answer the door "Where do you think Aunt Poll ... Tessa of course" Tommy shouts from upstairs. Polly sighs while opening the door widely.

Leaning her back against the side of the door, with her hands crossed over her chest

"What did they both do now?" Polly asks, looking straight into John's eyes titling her head.

"Ms Gray, John and Tessa had been caught throwing a gun around the place and pointing it at some of the old men in the factory ... AGAIN" The guard says holding the back of John's shirt keeping him in place.

"Get in here now" Polly pulls John into the house by the ear.

"Ms Gray, I know the parents aren't in his life right now but, you need to control him"

"I'll do what I have to" Polly says annoyed, slamming the door in the guards face "John boy will you ever just behave"

"Johnny Dog's your daughter has been caught with John Shelby in the factory -" The guard is caught off by Johnny Dog's  "Alright, alright, alright. Get in here Tess" Johnny pats his daughter into the house.

"Johnny your daughter is only three, keep her under control will you"

"You know what all my kids are like, there all a bunch of little shits" Johnny Dog's closes the door laughing to himself, while picking up Tessa and swinging her around the place.



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