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May 1914, Small Heath, Birmingham

A lot has changed in the past six months. Tessa had finally given birth to her twin boys, it was a very tough birth a lot harder then Katie's, but in the end it was worth it all. John had given the names for the twin boys "James and William Shelby" 

Tessa had also decided that she wanted their middle name to be the same as their father, so given there middle name "Michael" 

The two boys were like a gift sent from heaven, Tessa really couldn't ask for anything else in her life. John tried to help out as much as he could, but a women was always going to go above and beyond when it came to looking after her family. 

Ellen, Arthur's women from months back is still courting him to this day. Tessa was surprised really that Arthur could actually keep a women for this long a time. She was happy though, Ellen and herself had gotten on very well and had become much closer over the past six months from when she first meet the women. 

In all everything in life was good and running smooth like a ship sailing on a calm and quiet sea. John and Tessa had there three beautiful children, who they loved and cherished with everything they had. 

Will had his Anna, the two had talked about marriage in the last couple of months. Anna wanting to wait a while as she was only twenty one and didn't want to marry young. Will of course would take her words and wait till she was ready. 

Polly had still been looking for signs for her children, all she wanted was to just see her kids once that's all she wanted, or even to know that the were safe and in the hands of someone loving for them. 

Thankfully Ada and Freddie had made up a couple months back. They both agreed that they would try there relationship again and try to be more honest with how they were feeling. Ada had made a deal that she would not keep getting on Freddie's nerves about telling people about there relationship, but in return Ada wanted to be able to bring Freddie along to more family meetings and outings. 

Arthur and Ellen were like a married couple in the honeymoon faze, they were all over each other. It reminded them of John and Tessa, expect for the part where they didn't have kids to care for or that they were married. 

Johnny dogs and Edward were still there happy selves. Though Edward still had no luck in his love life at the age of twenty three, love comes to people at different times in there life he just had to be patient and wait. Johnny dog's had been spending a lot of time out at the country side, Tessa didn't know why but it was none of her business. Once her father was happy, she was. 

Finn was loving life as a six year old kid in Small Heath. Himself and Isaiah could be seen running up and down the street of Watery Lane at all hours of the morning. He was just a little kid living in a big and dangerous world. 

For Tommy and Greta, things had changed and not in a good way. Couple of weeks ago Greta had feel ill one morning. Nobody had thought anything of it, just assuming that she had just caught a bug or something small, and that it would just pass. They were totally wrong though, Greta's condition had gotten worse. Day by day, she was becoming more and more ill. As a result of that Tommy had not left her bedside, he was caring for the girl he loved 24/7. 



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