-Is there a word for total screaming genius -

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"Didn't know you were in her inner circle" Alex sarcastically spoke. "You going to tell me why we are here" 

"I always liked London" Anna simply said ignoring his question. "Want to get a selfie in front of Big Ben" She joked causing Alex to close his book and raise his eyebrows, clearly wanting to keep this secret. 

"If you're saying  you dragged us to London just to sightsee and talk about ancient history then I will leave. Oh wait I can't you compelled me to be here " Alex scoffed 

"1. Didn't compel you to be here, I compelled you to be loyal to me and only to me, you are free to do whatever you please as long as you don't go blabbing to Tristan and 2.I don't know why you are all pissy, you're the one who drugged me and attempted to hold me captive. I'm taking you to a 5 star hotel and giving you what you want" Anna glared back done with his temper tantrum. 

"And what is it I want" 

"Valentina, I said I would get you Valentina and I keep my word" Anna Spoke turning around and strutting off. Alex reluctantly following. 


"Why didn't you kill me when I -" Alex asked when Anna came back with Keyes to a compelled vehicle to get them around town. 

"Kidnapped me?" Anna spoke crossing her arms. "Your a grade A dick but you're my best friends brother. She's my family, so your my family' 

"Thank you, I'm already on the hangman's noose working with the Strix don't need someone else wishing for my execution" 

"I'm not saying I would stop an execution, just not holding the rope. Do they even know your my sireline not Lijah's."

"Nope, only Tristan. he found me about 200 years after turning, recognised me and befriended me. He invited me into the Strix, it seemed like a good idea at the time. A family, a group of like minded individuals that would give me protection, access to witches, world wide connections. Thought it would be the easiest way to find my sister. He put two and two together when we saw a painting of you and Valentina in Florence in the 16th century. As a low member of the Strix I shouldn't have known about the secret Mikaelson but low and behold I recognised my sire - stupidly outing myself and since then have been walking on eggshells around him." 

"Must suck, you've had such a hard life..." Anna spoke with fact sympathy. "Its not like me and your sister spent all our lives living through unescapable trauma from Mikael." 

"Are we just debating traumas"

"No, because I would clearly win." Anna smiled fakely at Alex causing him to roll his eyes. "Look we can go back and forth with sarcasm but I for one want to see the city and perhaps go and see Valentina while we are at it - does that interest you?"

"You know it does" Alex gritted out his teeth tightly held together 

"Well you drive" Anna spoke throwing the keys to Alex. Anna spoke walking away to the car 

"What are we driving" Alex spoke twirling the keys inn his hand watching as Anna stood in between a motorcycle and a fiat 500. "You're kidding right." He said as Anna smile and picked up the motorcycle helmet. "I've never driven one of these" 

"Oh is it not proper enough for the pompous dicks of the allusive Strix" Anna chuckled. "Oh get over yourself, its not like we can die" Anna smiled watching Alex put a helmet over his head and swing his leg over the motorcycle

"I don't know what I'm doing!" Alex groaned out.

"Just drive in a straight line and try not to hit anyone." Anna simply said as Alex pressed on the accelerator and they went off. He suddenly put his hands up in despair not knowing what to do. "And keep your hands on the bike ideally..." 

Hello Darling - Ilianna MikaelsonOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz