After tossing my laptop onto the other bed I shimmy myself under the covers and set an alarm on my phone. An hour should help. Or it'll make me even more tired. Let's see if my body will betray me.

  Curled up onto my side I think back over the events of the day and I can't help but smile.

  "Why are you looking at me like that?" Chris asks me when he catches me staring at him just before he pulls into the precinct.

  "Like what?" I try and play dumb, but forget that he has detective skills.

  "Like you could eat me with a spoon. Are you having impure thoughts, Miss Lucas?" he teases me, catching me off guard.

  I'm well aware that I must be blushing, but I attempt to play it off. "I was just thinking I hadn't seen you in your uniform before."

  Chris' narrows his eyes at me, confused. "What are you talking about, love? You have seen me in uniform before. Twice actually. At the restaurant when you got into town for Lily's bachelorette party and then the night you were fangirling at the concert."

  "Doesn't count," I adamantly tell him, shaking my head.

  Chris laughs in disbelief. "What do you mean it doesn't count? I'm pretty sure you weren't blind." He pulls the car into an empty space next to his own car.

  I smile sweetly as I reach over and touch his uniform clad bicep tenderly. "Because, Sergeant Evans, I wasn't seeing you."

  He shifts in his seat to face me head on. "What do you mean?"

  "I saw a group of officers who I wanted to treat to breakfast. I noticed your blue eyes when you glanced back at me, but you were in such a rush I paid no attention. At the concert, I was in a massive panic over losing my purse, so forgive me, but again, I paid no real attention to you."

  "Ouch," Chris grimaces at my words.

  "But now," my hand strokes his arm, "I see the man I am in love with. The man that makes my heart go pitter patter. The man that makes that uniform look damn good. I can't help the way I look at you now."

  "Much better." Chris leans across the middle compartment of the car, bringing his hand to cup my cheek before kissing me lightly.

  All too soon my alarm is going off, pulling me from my restless nap. I whine out loud, knowing that my nap attempt was not the brightest idea.

  Thankfully since I showered this morning I'm still clean, and my hair and make up just needs a touch up. I pull out the white and navy dress I had packed specifically for this dinner, knowing from Chris that it was one of the nicest restaurants in Atlanta. I slip into the dress before fixing my hair into a low, loose bun. I wear the opal earrings Chris gave me before the wedding as they've become a constant fixture in my jewelry choices.

  One last look in the mirror as I slip on my heels, silent prayers that I don't break another pair

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  One last look in the mirror as I slip on my heels, silent prayers that I don't break another pair. I pull my room's door open to find Pops with his hand raised towards the door. "Right on time, old man," I tease as I step out of the room. "You look handsome."

  Pops snaps his suspenders at my words and adjusts his bow tie. Such a cute old man. "You clean up well, Ope." He offers me his arm as I put my hand in the crook of his elbow.  "Still not as good looking as me."

  I playfully scoff at his words. "Well with you next to me I'm sure that'll help elevate my number."

  The restaurant wasn't far from the hotel but for whatever reason Chris insisted we just meet there rather than at the hotel.

Pops sweetly offers me his arm again as we walk into the restaurant. It's really a beautiful place. The tables and chairs are all a deep cherry wood color in stark contrast to the pristine white walls. Lavish chandeliers hang from the ceiling in differing lengths, casting a low intimate glow.

We check in with the hostess to find that our party is already here. I glance at my watch and see we're actually early. "I hope we didn't keep them waiting too long," I whisper to Pops as we follow the young woman through the main restaurant.

I glance around the room but don't see any Evans' family members. The hostess walks us past the bar area before stopping at an open door way. She stands off to the side with her hand out, ushering us in.

Inside we find a beautiful set up surrounded by Chris and his family. While I notice the gorgeous array of white and peach flowers in the center of the table, and the small tea lights around the room, it's not where my gaze falls. My eyes immediately find the man who has become like a magnet to me, as he's standing and talking with his brother. Ever so carefully and quietly I do my best to drink him in once again as Lisa and Robert greet my grandfather.

 Ever so carefully and quietly I do my best to drink him in once again as Lisa and Robert greet my grandfather

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My covert efforts apparently not going unnoticed. Either that or he feels the same pull that I do as he looks up and notices me standing in the doorway.

I watch him walk over to me, my heart begins racing more than I thought possible. "There's that look again," he whispers in my ear as he hugs me.

"Some how I have a feeling it matches the same look you have on your face. " I challenge him with a kiss to his cheek. "Are you having impure thoughts, Officer?"

His smirk tells me all I need. "That's Sergeant to you, ma'am."

Every New Beginning... (Chris Evans AU)Where stories live. Discover now