Chapter 30

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The sound of war had ceased, blocked out by the tense silence of the action that had just come to pass. 

Every soldier, human and shadow-creature alike, stood gawking mid-action. 

Mannix breathed heavily, as he held the tip of his sword towards Grimhill's  chest. "The only thing keeping me from driving this sword through you is because we need you here." he muttered placing the blade next to Grimhill's neck. 

Elizabeth appeared at Mannix's side, and he gestured for her to grab the sword and keep Grimhill at bay. 

Once Elizabeth had a grasp on the hilt, Mannix rushed to Eleanor's side, like he had done multiple times before. 

"Ellie, can you hear me?" he asked, gently, kneeling in front of her, and putting his hand underneath her chin, wiping blood with his thumb. 

"Yeah, loud and clear." Eleanor responded, with a smirk , getting her eyes to focus on the Plain-walker. 

Sighing with relief, Mannix smiled, and grasped Eleanor's hands. "We need to finish this." the Princess muttered. 

"I know, I know." Mannix answered giving a slight nod. 

Once Eleanor was back on her feet, she turned to Grimhill and sneered, "You and your forces are finished. Call them back, now." 

Grimhill chuckled and said, "I know what you're going to do Princess, and may I say it's a selfish move indeed." 

Eleanor's breath got caught in her throat, and she was barely able to muster out, "How is it selfish? I'm doing it for my kingdom." 

"Are you doing it for Kririn, or to stop the pain you're feeling?" Grimhill taunted. 

"C'mon Eleanor, let's finish this." Mannix tried to persuade Eleanor away from the Shadow Creature King. 

The Princess shook off Mannix's hand, however, and stepped closer to the injured shadow creature. "Every choice I've willingly made since I was dragged through that void has been for my kingdom." she spat. 

Eleanor turned from Grimhill, and nodded to Mannix, who in return, nodded back. 

Eleanor stood with Mannix in the dead center of the field, and extended her arms out, before taking a deep breath and closing her eyes. 

Blue sparks flickered from the Princess's finger-tips and a glow of the same color started illuminate the air around her. 

Grimhill's eyes narrowed; he denied going out like this. With a swift movement, the shadow creature grabbed the hilt with his uninjured hand, and knocked Elizabeth to the dirt. 

"Shadow forces, kill her!" he ordered, dropping the sword hilt back on the ground. 

The army of shadow creatures turned away from their opponents, and like vicious animals, raced to the Princess and the Plain-walker. 

Eleanor was ready for the attack, though, and she let all her power loose. 

A dome of blue magic ejected from the Princess, and when it was several yards in all directions it stopped spreading , and had hundreds of shadow creatures, including Grimhill,  clawing at it's glass-like surface. 

Already, Eleanor felt drained, but she knew she needed to end this. It was now or never. 

"Ellie," the Princess, turned around to see Mannix walking towards her. "I'm gonna miss you." he said. 

"Look after the kingdom while I'm gone." she replied, before embracing the Plain-walker. 

Mannix glanced at Elizabeth, who had been let into the force-field, and was now making her way to them, so she could do her part in Mannix's plan. 

Mannix hugged back, and muttered, "Look after it yourself." 


It all happened so fast; Mannix gripping Eleanor's hand, a quick flash of blue, and Mannix pushing Eleanor into Elizabeth, who kept a hold on her, so she wouldn't run back to Mannix. 

Mannix's forearms glowed blue, and his breaths were deep and heavy. 

"What are you doing?" Eleanor sobbed, clawing at Elizabeth's grip. 

"Making sure you get to fulfill your destiny." Mannix simply said.  

A/N: Two more chapters you guys. Are you ready for the endgame? Theories? Feedback is appreciated. 

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