Chapter 13

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Mannix scanned his surroundings; all there was was a dead, desert plain with dead trees checkering it. A cool wind blew through causing tumbleweeds to roll on by. 

"Eleanor!" Mannix called out, continuing to scan the horizon, but no sign of anything showed up. 

That was until another cry of terror. echoed throughout the empty air. 

Not wasting another moment, Mannix ran in the direction where the scream had come from, and soon silhouettes became clear on the horizon; several human-like figures were circled.  around a young girl. 

"Ellie..." the plain-walker realized, and his eyes narrowed in anger and willingness to protect Eleanor. 

"Hey, Shadow Scum!" Mannix shouted, stalking closer. He didn't need to sense dark energy to know they  were shadow creatures. 

Mannix got his flame-sword ready as the cloaked people turned to him. The plain-walker could see Eleanor more clearly now, and she was only barely conscious. 

"Get out of her mind." he growled, before swiftly plunging the sword into the nearest one's chest. 

With a scream of pain, the shadow creature faded from existence, and Mannix turned his attention to the three others. 

He was about to take action, but a sharp pain traveled throughout his spine, causing Mannix to grunt and fall forward.  

The hilt became blade-less as it crashed to the sand. When the plain-walker went to retrieve it, one of the shadow creatures kicked it from reach. 

Mannix was then kicked to the dirt, and he felt a cold hand grab the back of his neck. 

"Time to join your family, Mannix." a spine-chilling voice said. 

"Don'!" Mannix shouted, breaking free from the Shadow creature's grip, and slamming his fist into it's skull. 

As the creature recovered, the plain-walker snatched the hilt from the dirt, ignited the blade, and killed the rest of the shadow creatures. 

Once that task had been completed, Mannix sighed with relief as he tucked the hilt into his trench-coat. He winced at the stinging pain on his his spine, but tried to ignore it as his mind went to Eleanor's condition. 

He knelt down, and softly patted her cheeks, trying to rouse her to consciousness. 

Eleanor gave a slight cough, as her eyes fluttered open. "Mannix...I couldn't control my powers." she muttered. 

"Shh, shh, none of this is your fault Ellie. I need you to be still." Mannix responded. The plain-walker pressed two fingers on each of Eleanor's temples, and blue light illuminated from the tips.

A sharp gasp came from Eleanor as little blue lines traveled from Mannix's fingers, and up her skull. Her body jerked upwards, but the plain-walker kept his fingers placed on the temples. 

Finally, color started to return to her skin and lips, and Eleanor began to relax. After making sure she was fully healed, Mannix released Eleanor, and took a couple of deep breathes. 

The area around them became green with grass, and the dead trees became abundant with leaves, and flowers. The cold wind ceased, and sky became blue with a bright, yellow sun shining above. 

"Mannix, what happened?" Eleanor questioned, as the scene unfolded before them. 

"When you used an excessive amount of your power, it weakened you physically and mentally, allowing shadow creatures to enter your mind." Mannix explained. 

"So, I'm asleep, and this is a dream?" a confused Eleanor asked, as Mannix helped her to her feet.  

She was still light-headed from the healing process, and found it a little difficult to keep her balance. 

"Pretty much, I think all you have to do is wake up." Mannix answered. 

"How do I-" Before Eleanor finished Mannix woke up, finding himself back on the floor of the cabin. 

He looked back at Elizabeth; she was panting and covered in sweat, clearly exhausted from keeping the connection together for so long. 

A moan came from the bed, and Mannix jumped to his feet to examine Eleanor's current state; the color had returned, and she breathed at a steady pace. 

"Ellie?" Mannix muttered. Eleanor's eyes fluttered open in response, revealing the sapphire eyes that could make anyone smile. 

Not being able to resist the urge any longer, Mannix grabbed the un-suspecting Eleanor, and held her in a tight embrace, something no one was really expecting out of usual tough going plain-walker. 

A/N: Will things start getting better for our heroes or worse? What are your thoughts on Elizabeth so far? Theories? Feedback welcome always!!!

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