Chapter 6

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The sun may have been shining in a cloudless sky the next morning, but things were not as bright in the house of Eleanor and Rose. 

Since it was the weekend, and Rose's day off, Rose planned on telling Eleanor the truth that night after she got back from errands. 

When Eleanor finally emerged from her bedroom, she was greeted by her mother sipping a cup of tea, and reading a newspaper article. 

Neither of them spoke, both still shook from the events of the night before. 

After getting her breakfast, Eleanor sat on the other side of the table, across from Rose. 

The intensity of the silence in the room increased with every passing second. 

"So, Eleanor," Rose exclaimed, not being able to take the silence anymore, "Do you have any plans for today?" 

Eleanor shrugged and kept her gaze down at her cereal bowl. Rose sighed, and the room fell back into an uncomfortable silence. 

The quietness continued until Rose left to run her errands; Eleanor went up to her room to read. However, while traveling up the stairs, the whispers started up again. 

"Eleanor...please save us!" they yelled. 

Eleanor clamped her hands on her ears until they were sore, but like before her attempts to shut out the noise were in vain. 

She finally made it to the room and slammed the doors shut. The voices disappeared from Eleanor's head, and she slumped down, her head leaning against the door. 

"Why is all this happening?" Eleanor mumbled to herself, as she rubbed her temple. 

She looked up, and gasped; three figures made out of shadow looked down at her with flame-orange eyes!

Eleanor could feel herself tremble, though her body was numb with terror. Eleanor was frozen; unable to take any form of action. 

"Please, whoever you are, please go away." was the only thing she could muster out, as she tried to flatten herself against the wall. 

The shadow figures stalked closer towards Eleanor, and they hissed, "The time has come, Princess..." they're voice was sickly and raspy. 

"Stay away!" Eleanor screamed, ignoring the fact that she had been called "princess." 

When the stalkers made out of shadows closed in around her, Eleanor stretched out both of her arms in an effort to keep her attackers away. 

A blue-whitish glow came from the palm of her hands, causing the shadow figured to grow wide. 

The light grew brighter and brighter until the entire bedroom was consumed by it. 

The shadow figures yelled in agony before disappearing into oblivion. When the attackers were gone, the light started to die down, and Eleanor let out the breath she was holding. 

Her arms slowly came down as she stared in shock, and slight terror, at what she had just witnessed. 


Mannix sensed the awakening of Eleanor's powers, as he traveled down the side-walk towards down-town. 

Stopping in his steps, Mannix frowned to himself. He looked around to make sure no one was around watching. Once he knew he was clear, Mannix evaporated into black smoke and spiraled into the air before disappearing. 


Rose had finished her second-to last errand; picking produce at the Farmer's market. 

She could feel several beads of sweat travel down her forehead as she loaded bags of groceries into the trunk of her car. 

"You haven't told her yet, haven't you?" a voice startled Rose, after she closed the the trunk. Mannix was leaning against Rose's car wearing a frown. 

Rose clenched her fist and stated, "Mannix, you do that one more time, and I swear I'll kill you." 

Ignoring the threat, Mannix pushed himself off of the side of the car and sighed, "Her powers have been unlocked." 

It only took a moment for Rose to realize what Mannix had just said, and her heart skipped a beat when she did. 

"Wh....What?" she stuttered. Mannix's scowl deepened , and he turned away from Rose. 

"I thought you would have the gut to do the right thing and tell her the truth, but it seems like you don't have the courage." he scolded. 

Rose clenched her jaw, but argued back, "I'm going to tell her tonight, and besides I have five days. You said a week." 

"Perhaps that was longer that I should have given you." Mannix scowled. 

Rose was starting to grow fearful; Mannix has never used this tone of voice with her. It was like her nightmare was coming true. 

Before Rose could respond, her phone buzzed in her pocket. After fishing it out, she pressed the accept button and placed the devoice on her ear, and turned away from Mannix. 

"Hello?" Rose spoke into the phone, having an idea of who it was. 

"M....Mom, something happened, can you come home?" Eleanor's voice sounded shaky, and  terrified. 

"Yes, sweet-heart, I'll be home in 10-minutes ." Rose tried saying calmly. she hung up the call, and spun around; Mannix was no longer there!

Thinking about what Mannix had said before, Rose jumped into the car to speed home. 

"He better stay away from Ellie." she muttered, angrily. 

A/N: We got a taste of Eleanor's powers. There won't be an update next week, since I am going on vacation with family for the week. I hope chapter 7 will be worth the wait. Feedback is appreciated as always!

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