Chapter 2

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"Good morning class, I hope everyone had a good summer." Every student, including Eleanor, nodded. 

The teacher gave a quick look around the class room, and spotted Eleanor in the far corner, trying to hide herself. "Young lady, I don't think I've ever seen you, are you new?" 

Eleanor tensed at being called out, but nodded her head with a shy smile. "Would you like to tell us some things about yourself?" the teacher suggested. 

"Well, my name is Eleanor, and I'm 17 years old. My mother and I moved here from Sacramento, California about two weeks ago." Eleanor explained. 

"I hope you enjoy it here at Georgetown High. We're happy to have you. Now class let's go over the syllabus." the teacher  began to explain. 

As the teacher talked, Eleanor felt a tap on her shoulder; turning around she was greeted by a girl her age. "Hi, I'm April. Do you want to sit with my friends and me?" she whispered. 

Eleanor studied her classmate; April seemed nice enough, so she happily agreed, optimistic about a future friendship. 

"Okay, I'll wave you over at lunch." April said, before turning her attention back to the paper on her desk. 

50 minutes later, the bell rang and kids flooded out of the classroom. As she strolled out, Eleanor took out her class schedule and looked around. 

"Hey Eleanor!" April's voices called out, causing Eleanor to crane her neck to try to look through the swarm of teenagers. 

April approached her and peered at her schedule. "I can help you to your next class, but after that you'll need someone else's help." she informed Eleanor, as they started to travel down the hallway. 

"It's alright, I'm sure I can find a teacher that can point me in the right direction."  Eleanor replied. 

Suddenly, Eleanor was roughly pushed nearly into April, making her drop the schedule on the floor. After picking it up, she looked around and saw a taller teenager, who was wearing a foot-ball jacket, stroll away with a wide smirk on his face. 

"What was that all about?" she asked, as they continued to their walk.

"That was just Trace. Kind of a jerk; he picks on all the new kids once or twice. He shouldn't bother you anymore." April explained, like she was taking it from experience. 

"Were you one of those new kids?" Eleanor asked. 

April shook her head, and said, "No, luckily, but I feel bad for al the new students that have to get picked on by him on their first day." 

Eleanor looked over her shoulder; Trace was now against his locker talking to a few of of his friends, but he turned his head toward Eleanor, and frowned. 

Eleanor quickly snapped her head back to facing forward, and prayed that he wasn't going to make her his next target. 

A/N: So we have a peek at Eleanor's first day of school. Don't forget to give me thoughts and feedback. 

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