Chapter 18

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"What is taking that Plain-walker so long?" The Captain exclaimed. 

Elizabeth was wondering the same thing. It was almost midnight of the second day, and Mannix hadn't arrived yet with the Princess. 

"I'm sure they'll be here soon." she said; however, she didn't even believe her own words. 

Suddenly, voices filled Elizabeth, causing her to stagger over to the wall. 

"Madame Elizabeth, are you alright?" The Captain asked, as his and the other soldiers' eyes went wide. 

"Liz....danger....Eleanor...mind-control....Grimhill..." the voice cut off, and vanished from Elizabeth's mind. 

It took her mind a moment to process the voice, once it Elizabeth shot to her feet, and exclaimed, "Ready the cannons!" 


The sound of an explosion outside the castle echoed throughout the northern part of the city, and shook the room they were in. 

Elizabeth turned her head in time to see a chunk of the wall fall to the ground, and cause a cloud of dust to rise up. Most of the soldiers were scrambling to get to their post with the Captain barking orders. 

"Don't...harm...Eleanor...mind-controlled..." the masculine voice Elizabeth recognized as Mannix sounded in her head once more. 

"Where are you?" she asked through telepathy communication. 

"Shadow creature fortress...magic...weaken me...chains..." Mannix responded

"I'm on my way, just hang on a little longer." she told him, before breaking off the connection and turning to the Captain. 

"Sir, I might have a lead on Mannix. I will need a few soldiers to come with me." Elizabeth explained. 

The Captain, knowing from past experience to never question a plain-walker, nodded, and gathered two soldiers to go with Elizabeth. 

"Whatever happens, you must stall until we return with Mannix." the female Plain-walker demanded, after they were prepared, and the situation was explained. 

"I can't believe  they turned our own Princess against us." one soldier exclaimed dumbstruck. 

"It's called mind-control lieutenant; there's a major difference between the two." Elizabeth replied, while checking to make sure she had her weapons secured. 

Once everything was prepared, Elizabeth put one hand on each of the soldier's shoulder's shoulders, and in a second all three of them had vanished and replaced with dark blue smoke. 

Mannix pulled at the chains, but like the other times, it was in vain, and the only result was a stinging pain in his wrists. 

He tried to contact Elizabeth again, but could not reach her. "C'mon Liz...I'm trusting you on this." he thought to himself, leaning his head against the stone-wall. 

As if on cue, shouts and pounding noises sounded beyond the metal door, and only moments later, the door came flying open, blinding Mannix, and revealing Elizabeth holding the magenta-flamed sword. 

Mannix attempted a smile when he saw her, and Elizabeth ran over to him to undo the chains. "Are you hurt?" she asked, after the gag was removed.  

"Other than my scraped wrists, and my pride, no I am not. Thank you Liz." Mannix answered, rubbing his wrists. 

Elizabeth hugged Mannix and said, "You really had me worried." 

"Uh ,Liz..." the two plain-walkers broke away from the hug and saw the two soldiers staring with confusion. 

"Are you two a..." one soldier's voice trailed off as he gestured to Elizabeth and Mannix. 

"No, no, no. Actually we're uh...." Elizabeth looked towards the older Plain-walker for support, and Mannix nodded his head. 

"....We're siblings." 

A/N: Did you guys see that little plot-twist coming? So, I have changed my update schedule, and will only be updating Tuesdays, so I have time to pre-write chapters. The next chapter should be action packed, so stay tuned. Theories? Feedback is appreciated!!

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