Chapter 1

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16 years later...

"Ellie! There's breakfast!" a shout came from downstairs. Eleanor lifted her head from the pillow causing black hair to fall over her eyes. 

She tossed her hair to the side and let out a silent yawn as she stretched her arms above her head. 

"Eleanor!" her mother's voice sounded once more, but more sternly. 

"Coming!" Eleanor answered, before leaping from the bed. Her room was brightly lit with rays of sun shimmering through the window. 

"Today is going to be an amazing day." she encouraged herself, as she changed into her school clothes, before making her way downstairs. 

As she approached the kitchen, Eleanor was greeted by a delicious smell; Pancakes with cinnamon chips! "So, new school. I'm sorry, darling, that we had to move." her mom apologized, placing the last plate down on the table. 

"It's alright. I didn't really have many friends at my old school anyway." Eleanor lowered her voice to a whisper at the last part. 

Although she hear, Eleanor's mom didn't push it further, instead she said, "So, just wanted to remind you that I have that job interview later, and I won't be home when you get back. Can you handle yourself until I return?" 

Eleanor sat down across from her mother, and nodded. "Okay, you know the rules." her mother told her. 

"Yes mom, I know: come straight home, call if I need anything, don't talk to strangers." Eleanor replied, still smiling and giving a slight eyeroll. 

She then started eating then noticed it was time for her to go. Eleanor sadly put down her fork and mumbled, "Adios, delicious pancakes." 

She proceeded to stand from her chair, and grab her navy blue back-pack from the floor. 

Her mother than gave her instructions to the bus stop, and walked Eleanor out of their two-story, suburb home before watching her  disappear down the side-walk. 

"Wow, little Ellie really has grown hasn't she, dear Rose." Eleanor's "mother," Rose, turned and looked over the yard; standing there was a square-jawed man with a scruffy goatee, who was also wearing a maroon trench-coat. 

Rose crossed her arms, and glared at him before saying, "Mannix, where have you been?" 

The man, Mannix, gave out a small chuckle as he strolled over to her. "Going back and forth between worlds as usual." he casually told her. 

"Let me guess, nothing has changed since..." Rose's voice trailed off, as the thought of her own mother came to mind. 

Mannix lifted Rose's chin with one of his fingers, and said, "Your mother's sacrifice did not go in vain. Right now our enemy is frantic due to them not being able to find the girl." 

He then turned his back and started down the walk-way, however, Mannix then halted and glanced over his shoulder. "Keep an eye on her, Rose. There have been signs; signs telling us that the girl could be coming of age." 

With those cryptic words, Mannix vanished in a wisp of black smoke. 

A/N: So, tell me what you think of Mannix, and this chapter. If anyone is confused on why Eleanor and Rose are now on Earth, all will be explained through the book. 

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