Chapter 22

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Mannix clawed at the shadow creature's grip, as it slashed at his face and torso like a vicious animal. 

The Plain-walker seized an opportunity, when he was able to kick the shadow creature away from him. He turned his head to the rip, and saw Eleanor in the grip of Grimhill. 

"No!" Mannix shouted, pounding on the glass-like glaze. The jagged crack closed a few more inches, and he knew he was running out of time. 

Sharp claws dug deep into Mannix's shoulder, and he could feel himself being dragged away. 


Eleanor saw Mannix getting dragged away, and she stuttered, "Let...h...him...go." 

"Why would you want that? he didn't help raise you while you grew up." Grimhill pointed out. 

Eleanor shivered as the cold breath hit her ear, but she managed to argue back, "Mannix, still saved me from you." 

She whipped around swiftly, and a blue flame-like light fired out of her hands, and into her enemy's shadowed body. 

Grimhill dispersed, and vanished, and Eleanor rushed over to the glazed-over rift; Mannix was still fighting, but one look told her he needed help. 

"C'mon, there has to be a way to break the separation." Eleanor murmured to herself as she examined the glass-like substance. 

A hand touched her shoulder, and once again Eleanor shot around, and nearly blasted who she though had been Grimhill, but she stopped when she saw it wasn't the Shadow King who had tapped her; It was Trace!

Shocked, confused, and horrified, Eleanor staggered back until her back touched the cool surface of the glaze. How was Trace here?

Trace's face sported a smirk, tat didn't sit right with Eleanor, and his eyes were glowing flame-orange like they did during school lunch. 

"Trace, are you here?" she finally found her voice, but it came out shaky and a stutter. 

"Because Ellie, this is your  head; you want me to be here." he explained, drawing closer to Eleanor. 

She shook her head in disbelief, as she tried flattening herself against the glaze. "I'm in control if this is my mind. I'm in control..." Eleanor repeated to herself, squeezing  her eyes shut. 

"Are you sure about that Ellie?" Trace's warm breath hit Eleanor's  ear, and in response, the Princess's eyes shot open, and her fist crashed into the young man's boney jaw. 

"Yeah, I'm sure, thank you for reminding me that this is my mind." Eleanor stared down the school jerk, as he rubbed his jaw. 

"Get out..." the Princess growled, blue light surrounding her fist. Without warning, Eleanor slammed down her fist, and Trace's body dispersed into shadow before disappearing. 

Immediately, Eleanor turned her attention back to the rift, and mumbled, "This is your mind Eleanor." 

"You need to fight this!" Mannix's words from earlier rang thought her head, and she could feel her fist warm back up. Lifting up her fist, Eleanor took a deep breath before plunging it into the glaze!


The glass-like glaze shattered, and the pieces fell to Eleanor's feet. 


Hearing the crash, Mannix turned his attention away from the shadow creature, that he was trying keep away, to the rift. 

A smirk crept up his face when he saw that Eleanor had broken through the glaze, and both of her closed fists were glowing a blueish-whiteish color. 

"That's my girl." he mumbled. 

Mannix grabbed the shadow creature, and placed it into a choke hold. As it scratched, thrashed, and bit at Mannix's arms, a piercing light shot into it's shadowed body, and it dispersed. 

"I knew you could do it.'  the Plain-walker exclaimed, with a soft smile he rarely wore on his face. 

Eleanor embraced Mannix, and whispered, "Take me home." However, a growl interrupted them,  and both heads snapped towards the rift. 

Grimhill, his eyes full of vicious hate and rage, lunged towards them, his claw-like hands extended and ready to grab their next victim. 

In one, fluid motion, Mannix jumped in between Eleanor and Grimhill, and extended one towards the Princess, and the other towards the King of the Shadow Creatures. 

Purple light shined from the hand extended towards Grimhill, and everything went white. 

Grimhill woke up after being casted out by Mannix, and he found himself lying on his revival-table. 

"Sir, you're awake! If I may, I have news!"  a lowly shadow creature came running into the room. 

"Speak!" Grimhill exclaimed climbing off the table enraged that he had lost control over the girl once again. 

"The Shadow forces are starting to fall back. They cannot break through the Kririn Guard. Shall we order a retreat?" the servant explained. 

"Yes, but let my forces know that as soon as I give the word, we go to Kririn again. However, when we find Eleanor, do not waste time in capturing her." 

"This time, we go for the kill" 

A/N: Oh no! It seems like we are left at another cliffhanger! *guilty smile* So there will be no update next week due to a family outing, and so stay tuned on November 2nd for Chapter 23! Theories? Feedback is appreciated!!

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