Chapter 11

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For the next couple of days, Mannix helped Eleanor get settled in the new life, and told her about the lore and history of Kririn to better prepare her. 

At first, Mannix thought Eleanor would complain about being cooped up in the cabin, but she never did, not once. 

Instead, Eleanor closely listened to the plain-walker's words and carefully read the lore books that were put in front of her, asking question on occasion. 

One morning, Mannix walked out to the living area, and saw that Eleanor was reading about past wars. 

"That ones a page turner." he said sarcastically, picking up a cauldron to place it in the fire-place. 

Eleanor sighed as she sat the book down on the table, and said, "Sorry about being a little bit of a nerd. I just want to be prepared." 

Mannix poured water into the cauldron, and looked back at her before responding, "I'm glad you're preparing yourself." 

Eleanor smiled, but before she could respond the sound of stomping hooves filled the air outside. 

Mannix sprinted to the window, and scanned the area; there were several knight looking men on horse-back riding  towards the cabin. 

"Ellie, pack your clothes now!" he exclaimed. 

"What about you?" she asked, jumping from the chair. 

"I'm going to buy us some time, now, hurry!" Mannix responded. 

Though Eleanor was scared, she immediately went to her room to gather her belongings. Mannix, on the other hand, stepped out onto the porch to "greet" the men on horseback . 

"Is there a problem?" he asked, as the men leapt off their saddles. 

"Are you Mannix the plain-walker?" the captain asked. 

"Depends who's asking." Mannix replied crossing his arms in front of his chest. He knew they'd claim to be military officers from Kririn, but because of the dark energy he sensed coming off of the soldiers before him, Mannix suspected otherwise. 

"We're official guards from the capital city of Kririn. A scout reporting in claimed he saw a young woman who matches a description of Princess Eleanor,  in your company." the Captain exclaimed, just as Mannix predicted. 

"I believe you're mistaken.. The young lady is not the missing princess but my daughter." the plain-walker claimed, his voice convincing and innocent. 

"I believe you're the one mistaken. If you really are Mannix, the one that was paid to take the princess to safety, then your wife and daughter were both killed many years ago. Am I correct?" the Captain responded, with a slight chuckle in his voice. 

Mannix tensed, and frowned; how dare they mention his family. He let his hand slip to the inside of his trench-coat and grip onto the cold-hilt. 

"Shadow scum..." he spat. As the words left Mannix's mouth, the Captain's eyes flashed orange. 

Mannix then saw that a soldier was coming up behind him speedily, and took action. 

Quickly and swiftly, the plain-walker grabbed the arm of the soldier who was sneaking up behind him , and threw him forward, driving the knife it was holding into the Captain's chest. The Captain staggered back holding his wounded chest, but despite the agony, he chuckled. 

A scream echoed throughout the trees of the forest, and Mannix sprinted as fast as he could to the back of the cabin, where he sensed Eleanor was at , but she wasn't alone. 

At least five shadow creatures were surrounding and closing in on her, and there was blue-white ball of light forming between her hands. 

"Stay back!" Eleanor shouted, as the sphere continued to grow. Mannix knew what would occur if it continued to expand. 

"Ellie!" he shouted, breaking into a sprint once more. 

Eleanor's eyes stayed shut, and the shadow creatures began to back up in terror. She gave a shout of terror and pain, and her arms extended letting go of the sphere of blue and white light. 

When that occurred a blast of bright energy spread out dispersing the shadow creatures in the process.  

Mannix was knocked to the ground, and was held there by the force of the blast. After what seem like forever, the pressure lifted up, and the plain-walker was able to get back on his feet. 

Eleanor was laying on the ground motionless, and Mannix sprinted to her side to examine her condition. 

Her skin was deathly pale, and her breathing was deep, and slow. Both of those things were the opposite of a good sign. 

A/N: Mannix had a wife and child?! Will Eleanor survive? You'll have to wait for Thursday! Theories? Feedback is always appreciated!!

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