Chapter 21

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"Grimhill has her trapped pretty deep, I don't know if I'll be able to reach her even with your help." Mannix told Elizabeth, lifting Eleanor in his arms bridal style.

Elizabeth placed two fingers at the center of Eleanor's forehead, and closed her eyes for a moment. 

"I think you weakened Grimhill's spell when you temporarily killed him. I sense a crack in the barrier of her mind." she exclaimed, when her eyes re-opened. 

Mannix eyes lit up, and he peered down at the motionless figure  in his arms. "I need to take her to the castle." he said. 

The Plain-walker fished out his sword-hilt, and held it out to Elizabeth, before saying, "Lead the soldiers, we'll be back as soon as we can."

Not needing any further explanation, Elizabeth nodded, and took the rusted hilt into her grasp. "I will not let you down." A smirk crept up Mannix's face, and he stepped back, preparing to teleport. 


The Plain-walker's eyes shot down when he heard the slurred voice; Eleanor's eyes were still closed but her lips were partially open. 

"Keep Grimhill busy if he returns!" Mannix barked one more order to the younger Plain-walker. 

"I will, now go!"  Elizabeth shouted back, before blocking an attack from a shadow figure. 

Mannix closed his eyes once more, tightened his grip on Eleanor's limp figure, and a moment later, the roar of the battle ceased all at once. 


It was a rip in the darkness with white light trying to seep through. That's what Eleanor saw after spending what felt like an eternity in a never ending void of complete darkness. 

Though she didn't know what it was, or where it led to, she ran towards it longing for light. 

However, Eleanor found herself unable to go through, to get to the white light. Tears stung the brim of her eyes, as she fell to her knees, and remembered the fallen soldiers and the....blood.  

"Ellie?" At the sound of the concerned, gentle voice, Eleanor whipped around. Realizing that it could be a trick she activated her powers, and was ready to shoot anything that moved. 

"Ellie, can you hear me?" the gentle voice exclaimed. Eleanor turned around, and her powers extinguished as she saw the faint image of a man with black hair and a maroon trench-coat; Mannix!

The memories git her like a meteor crashing down on her, and she couldn't help but yell "Mannix!" and start pounding, but there seemed to an invisible glaze over the opening of the rip. 

Mannix appeared right in front of Eleanor, but on the other side. He placed his hand on the glaze, and stared at her intensely. 

"Eleanor, I need you to fight this." Though there was a separation between them, the Princess could hear the Plain-Walker as clear as day. 

"I don't know how..." Eleanor admitted. When the sentence was spoken, the crack shrink a few inches. 

Yes, you do! You need to-" A shadowed figure came up behind Mannix, grabbed him, and pulled him away. 

The sudden action made Eleanor jump back, but she didn't get far, when something grabbed her shoulders from behind, and whispered into her ear, "Let go; stop fighting." 

Eleanor's blood froze, and was only able to watch Mannix get pinned to the glaze on the other side of the rip. 

"Stop fighting, Princess..." cold breath hit her ear. 

A/N: Sorry about the cliffhanger (maybe)! What will happen now? Will Eleanor fall to the darkness?? Theories? Feedback is appreciated!

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