Chapter 20

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The smell of dust and blood filled Mannix's nose as he ducked under attacks, before unleashing his own, taking out the enemy on the first swing 90% of the time. 

When he near the center of the battle, Mannix squinted through the silhouettes of soldiers, and plumes of dust clouds. Finally, he spotted Grimhill's horse deeper in the fight. 

Blue light shined in the same direction, and Mannix sensed Eleanor's spirit, but there was something strange about it. 

Eleanor's spirit felt....clouded.



That's all Eleanor could see; it was like she was floating in a pitch-black ocean. 

The sound of her breaths was the only thing that filled her ears until she muster out, "M...Mannix?" 

Eleanor couldn't remember who "Mannix was, but something inside her told her that he was important and could help. 

"Why do you resist?" a deep voice echoed through the blackness, causing Eleanor to look around for the source. 

As she continued to search, a warm wet feeling came upon her hands, and Eleanor looked down. There was streaks of red liquid and her breath caught in her throat. 


"You have already killed so many soldiers already. Just give in!" the voice boomed. 

Flashed of memories crossed Eleanor's sapphire eyes; dozens of armored, lifeless bodies lay at her feet, and Grimhill smiling evilly down at them. 

A sharp gasp escaped from Eleanor, and she shook her head in disbelief. "No, I would never do that." she muttered. 

"But you did," cold fingers grabbed on to her shoulders from behind, and a chilling voice, continued, "And now their blood is on your hands." 

Out of instinct, and anger, Eleanor shot around, and a missile of blue-white light came flying out of her palms. 

For a second, the dark around Eleanor was lit up, revealing Grimhill's piercing red eyes. Startled by the sight, Eleanor tried to step back, but when the light faded out, oblivion surrounded her, and she didn't know where Grim was. 

"I'll be back Princess, then we will finish this." Grimhill's voice echoed. Silence followed, and Eleanor was along in the darkness. 

Like before, only one name was on Eleanor's mind, though she couldn't put the face to the name.



Purple and black clashed as Mannix blocked Grimhill's attack  wit his magenta-flame sword. 

The Plain-walker looked past his opponent towards his goal. Eleanor was past out on the dirt; knocked unconscious, by Grimhill's magic

A devilish grin made it's way on Grimhill's shadowed figure as he took notice of the Plain-walker's concern. 

"Worried about Princess Ellie over there?" he snarled; in response, Mannix's eyes flared with anger as they focused back on their enemy. 

"Don't worry Mannix, the young girl is just sleeping. " Grimhill taunted, but the Plain-walker knew there was something more complicated going on inside Eleanor's head; something that needed to be stopped quickly.

Energized by a newfound rush of determination, Mannix pushed Grimhill back wards before stabbing through his shadow body. 

Grimhill evaporated, but the battle didn't end. 

"Liz, I need you here right now, and bring one other soldier with you." Mannix sent a telepathic message to his sister, as he kneeled down next to Eleanor's body. 

The scene brought Mannix to the last time the Princess was like this. "That was only a few days ago...why do I keep failing?" 

As the battle roared on, and Mannix waited for Elizabeth to show up, and the question continued to haunt him. 

A/N: Aw, Mannix think's he's failed. Has he? What will his next course of action be? Theories? Feedback is appreciated!!! 

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