Chapter 23

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Eleanor stared at her reflection, her sapphire eyes staring into her own soul. 

It had been a couple hours since she had woken up in the medical wing of the castle. Since then, Mannix had checked to make sure Grimhill was completely gone from her mind, before sending her, with some a few servants, to her room so he could speak to the Captain. 

The servants, who had been assigned to her, had dressed Eleanor in an elegant, red dress, and put her black hair in a messy, but fashionable bun, before leaving her with her thoughts in the room that she would have grown up in if she was raised there. 

Sighing deeply, Eleanor looked away from the mirror for a moment, the images of the dead soldiers flashing across her eyes. 

Grimhill may have been out her head, but he had left unseen scars. "Not all scars of war are visible to the eye." she muttered to herself the words Mannix said to her only days before. 



Eleanor jumped at the sudden sound, but regained her composure before she called out, "Come in!" 

Upon hearing the door open, Eleanor shifted around on the stool, and a small smile appeared on her face when she saw it was Mannix, who appeared to be holding a small, wooden chest. 

"I hope I am no interrupting anything your highness." he said, taking a step into the room. 

"No, you are not. What's the status of the battle?" Eleanor responded, trying to be as royal as possible. 

"Elizabeth came back 10 minutes ago, and said the shadow forces drew back, and retreated, but they'll be back." Mannix explained, shutting the door. 

"Hm..." Eleanor sighed, and then turned back to the mirror. 

Sensing her discomfort, Mannix said, "Anyway, there's something I need to give to you." The Plain-walker gestured to the chest in his grasp. 

After pulling up a chair, Mannix wiped off some of the dust that still remained on the wooden surface, and extended it towards Eleanor. 

"What is it?" she asked, taking the into her hands. 

"Something I know your father and mother would have given you at this age." Mannix replied. 

Eleanor opened the chest, and gasped when she she saw what it held; a beautifully crafted  silver crown that had red gem-stones decorating it. 

As tears of joy filled her eyes, and a smile slipped onto her face, Eleanor peered up at Mannix before the Plain-walker exclaimed softly, "Welcome home, Ellie." 

The tearful princess threw herself into Mannix's arms, and embraced him. "Thank you,"  was all she could muster out. 

Eleanor and Mannix sat in a hug for what seemed like forever. "You're right, you know. Grimhill will be back." the princess muttered, her eyes still shut. 

Mannix broke the hug, and looked Eleanor in the eyes/ "You have full control over your abilities now. You can end this war." 

Eleanor looked down at her hands, and bit her lip; dis she really have the power to stop Grimhill, and his forces? 

"Yes, you do, and I will be by your side as you send those shadow scum to their death." Mannix said, reading her thoughts. 

The Princess looked back up at Mannix. and nodded, keeping a stern look on her face. 

The Plain-walker stood from the seat, and said, "Rest now, Eleanor. Let your powers recharge." Mannix then left the room, so Eleanor could rest herself, and wandered down the corridors absent-mindly for a little while. 

However, a sharp, ringing  sound filled his head, and ears. "What now?" Mannix grumbled, as he made sure no one was around. 

"Mannix, Grimhill and his forces are back." Elizabeth's voice filled his head. 

A/N: I thought it would be good to have a wholesome moment after all the action, but another action scene is coming up. We're getting close to the end. Theories? Feedback is appreciated!!

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