Chapter 26

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Eleanor stroked the horse's mane, and in return the mare gave out a happy snort, causing the Princess to laugh to herself. 

Though her mind was filled with troubled thoughts of the coming war, and the sacrifice she was planning on making, Eleanor appreciated this small moment, the kind of moments she used to take for granted. 

"Your highness, are you all right?" the sudden voice startled Eleanor out of thought, and she spun around finding  a soldier in her midst. 

"Yes, lieutenant, I am all right. How are preparations coming along?" she responded, straightening herself out.

"Almost complete Princess. The Captain requests your presence." the Lieutenant reported. 

"Very well, " Eleanor walked past the soldier, but once he was out of her line of sight, the soldier grabbed Eleanor from behind, and covered her mouth so she couldn't scream, before placing a knife up to her neck. 

"I've waited a long time for this." the "Lieutenant" hissed into her ear. Eleanor's heart dropped as she recognized the familiar chill, a shadow creature!

She watched, frozen in horror, as the shadow creature lifted the knife, and prepared to take the Princess's life, but it never came back down. 

Eleanor didn't even realize she had her eyes closed until  they fluttered open when she felt her would-be-murderer's grip loosen. 


The knife fell to the dirt, and Eleanor stumbled to the side, and gaped when she Mannix driving his flame sword through the shadow creature. 

When the creature dispersed, and the hilt had been stashed away, Mannix ran over to Eleanor, who was still in shock. 

"Ellie? Are you alright?" he asked, snapping his fingers in front of her face. Eleanor shook her head rapidly,  clearing her mind from the haze. 

"Yeah, I'm alright, but that shadow creature, it tried to kill me." she exclaimed. 

"Haven't they been trying to kill you since day one?" Mannix asked, raising his eyebrow, and tilting his head to the side. 

"No, all those have been captures, not attempted murders." Eleanor pointed out. 

"You're right, Grimhill is going for the kill," Mannix looked over at Eleanor worriedly, before placing his hand on her shoulder, and saying, "We need to tread carefully . C'mon, let's get you ready." 

"Wait Mannix," Eleanor grabbed the Plain-walker's wrist as he was walking past. "Do we need to talk about my plan?"

Mannix quickly glanced over his shoulder, and muttered, "No, we don't." 

The tone he used gave Eleanor goosebumps, causing her to release the Plain-walker. However, as she continued to walk, Eleanor could see that a shadow had fallen over Mannix's face. Was it because he was saddened by the fact that he was about to lose the closes thing he had to a daughter since his baby girl died?

Or, was there something more?


"You imbecile!" Grimhill shouted, backhanding the shadow creature that attempted to take Eleanor's life. 

The shadow creature stumbled to the concrete floor, and shook in terror at his enraged leader. "I...meant disrespect, sire. I thought since you said that we would kill the girl...." 

Grimhill tightly wrapped his shadowed fingered around the creatures neck, cutting his off, and hissed, "I said I would kill the girl. Me! The kill is mine and no one else's, understand? You were there to get information, not play assassin." 

The king of the shadow creatures dropped the soldier, and the frightened creature answered, "Y...Yes sir." After the soldier scrambled away, Grimhill turned to the window, and clenched his almost non-existent jaw. 

"Admiral, call in the any other shadow creature we might have behind kingdom walls. I don't want to risk another attempt, not with Mannix guarding the girl 24/7." he ordered. The shadow creature Admiral bowed, and left the chamber. 

"There's a rift between the Eleanor and Mannix, I can feel it." Grimhill said, to no one in particular, but himself. The thought caused a toothy grin to  spread on his shadowed face. 

"I can use that to my advantage." 

A/N: What is Grimhill planning? Will the rift between Eleanor and Mannix cause their failure? Theories? Feedback is appreciated!!

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