Chapter 24

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Eleanor let out a shaky breath, as she sat on the gold, and red throne; soldiers lined up on each end of her. The crown that Mannix had given her was placed on her head, it's corners tucked into her hair. 

As Eleanor traveled throughout her own thoughts, she heard the throne room doors open, and she looked up to see an old man, who wore a ragged cloak and hood, and all the soldiers gone. 

The princess's blood froze as the elderly man, whose face was covered by the hood, muttered, "You left us.." 

"W...What?" Eleanor stuttered in response, her grip growing tighter on the arms of the chair. 

The elderly man looked up, and Eleanor gasped as he revealed a jagged scar going across his frail face. 

"You left your people to die. You were a naïve little girl that was tricked by Grimhill multiple times! You don't deserve to be Queen." the elderly man proceeded to reach into his ragged cloak, and pull out a sharp dagger!

Before Eleanor had time to take in a gasp, the elderly man pounced, and the princess jolted awake in her silk-sheet bed. 

"Just a dream? Just a dream." she sighed, as she leaned her head against the bed rest, and ran her fingers through her now loose hair. 

"Eleanor, can I come in?" Mannix's voice shouted on the other side of the door; it sounded panicked. 

After quickly giving Mannix permission, Eleanor watched as the Plain-walker tumbled through the door. 

The princess jumped to her feet, and asked, "What's wrong?" 

"Grimhill is coming." Mannix angrily responded. 


"Where were they spotted?" Eleanor asked, as she examined the map of Kririn. 

The Captain gestured to the eastern border, and said, "Same route as last time." 

Eleanor nodded and replied, "Soldiers are already posted at the gate?" 

When the Captain nodded, Eleanor continued with, "Good, order the citizens to stay inside their homes, or any safe place. People who live near the wall will be more at risk. Are there any safe places we can put them so they're out of harm's way?" 

"There are bunkers that were built in the beginning of the war that is scattered throughout the city." A soldier informed her. 

"Put them there with anything they might need, please." Eleanor commanded. A few soldiers saluted, and marched out of the briefing room. 

"Captain, I want you and the remaining soldiers to ready the armor, weapons,  and horses. I will be down there shortly." she ordered. 

The Captain nodded, saluted, and left with the remainder of the soldiers, leaving Mannix and Eleanor alone. 

"You really know how to take charge." Mannix exclaimed, pushing himself off the wall, which he was originally leaning against. 

"The few days I had to study in your cabin really helped." Eleanor replied, keeping her gaze on the map. 

Mannix strolled over to the princess's side, and a few moments silence passed over them. 

"Will I be crowned Queen after this?" Eleanor asked.

"Not immediately. Though you will rule over the kingdom, you will not officially be Queen until you are 20 years of age." Mannix explained. 

"What then? I don't know the first thing about ruling a kingdom." Eleanor pointed out. 

"You will need help." Mannix said bluntly. 

"Will you be my advisor?" The question caught the plain-walker off guard, but when reality caught up to him, he softly smiled. 

"Yes, I will." he muttered, giving a small bow. 

"Thank you for accepting, now help me make a decision I've been pondering." Eleanor said. Mannix looked up, and saw Eleanor's eyes were filled with determination, but also sadness. 

"I know how we can truly stop them, and win this war, will come at a cost." 

A/N: Sorry about the cliffhanger! *smiles mischievously* What is Eleanor's costly plan, and how will Mannix respond? Theories? Feedback is appreciated. 

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