Chapter 12

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Mannix  paced the floor repeatedly, while constantly rubbing his face. 

Eleanor still hadn't awakened; instead she lay unconscious, sprawled out  on her bed. Her skin was still pale, and her lips had lost their color. 

The plain-walker didn't know what to do; his magic wasn't helping the tiniest bit, and he couldn't risk getting a healer from town. 

Finally, Mannix gave up on pacing, and sat on a stool next to Eleanor's bed. The only thing that proved that Eleanor was still living was the frequent rise and fall of her chest as she inhaled and exhaled. 

An occasional moan, or groan, would escape her lips once and a while, but that was the only sign of life as far as Mannix could see. 


The plain-walker slowly rose from the stool grabbing onto the blade-less hilt in his trench-coat. 

"Mannix! It's me!" A voice called as he crept closer to the door. 

Mannix halted as he processed the feminine voice. He couldn't sense any dark energy coming from the other side of the door, so it wasn't a shadow creature. 

Relaxing a little bit, but keeping a grip on the hilt, he opened the door, and was greeted by a panting woman, who was covered in bruises and sweat. 

"Elizabeth?" Mannix exclaimed, wide-eyed. The woman, Elizabeth, took a couple of deep breaths before looking up at Mannix.

"What are you doing here?" Mannix asked, narrowing his eyes. 

"Word of your return has spread throughout the remaining walkers. I was preparing to see the Captain to tell him the news, but several shadow creatures jumped and captured me for information on you. I barely escaped but I broke. I wanted to warn you-" 

"Elizabeth, stop, stop; we already took care of the shadow creatures." Mannix interrupted, but then realized it was a big mistake to say "we." 

Elizabeth raised her eyebrow noticing the plain-walker's mistake, and looked past him into the house. A gasp came from her as her eyes fell upon Eleanor sprawled out on the bed. 

"Mannix, is that the princess?" she asked, examining the young girl. 

Mannix hesitated to answer Elizabeth, but after a few moments of pondering, he responded, "Yes, but she is deathly ill." 

He let Elizabeth enter as he explained the shadow creature's attack. "I'm not really sure what to do." he finished with, as he leaned against the door-post that led into Eleanor's room. 

"Have you tried walking into her dreams?" Elizabeth suggested, standing next to him. 

Mannix shook his head, and said, "No, it requires another plain-walker." 

"Well, luckily for you, I'm a plain-walker." Elizabeth pointed out. 

Mannix turned to her, and un-crossed his arms. "Are you sure, Liz? You're still new to dream-walking." 

"I've been practicing these last couple of years. I can do it Mannix." Elizabeth responded. 

The plain-walker averted his eyes towards Eleanor; was he going crazy, or had she gotten more pale. He finally turned to Elizabeth, and nodded in agreement to her plan. 

Minutes later, Mannix was sitting on the floor next to Eleanor's  bed, his legs crisscrossed. 

"I don't know how long I'll be able to hold the connection." Elizabeth informed him, placing herself between Mannix, and the bed. 

A loud groan, came from Eleanor causing Mannix to look over at her with concern. Just by a glance, he could tell she was in agony; Eleanor's fist was balled up, and her jaw was tightly clenched. 

"Do it, hurry." he finally muttered after a moment. Mannix's  eyes were glued to Eleanor's body, as Elizabeth laid her left her left hand on his head, and her right hand on Eleanor's head. 

Mannix barely had time to take a deep breath before he felt a powerful force surge through him, causing him squeeze his eyes shut. 

During this time, Mannix could barely draw breath, and it felt like a weight was pressing against his chest. 

As quick as it started, the surge stopped, and the pressure released from Mannix's chest. However, the plain-walker kept his eyes closed, and drew in a few breaths. 

The only sound to be heard around him was rushing wind, and it chilled his skin until he got goose-bumps. 


That shout, that yell, that scream of agony was what caused Mannix's eye to shoot open, and get to his feet. 

A/N: So we have been introduced to Elizabeth the plain-walker. Can she be trusted? What do you guys think of her? Theories? Feedback is appreciated!!!

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