"We just know a few of them well," I answered, adjusting my glasses. "And Chloe is dating Louis."

The way this guy was staring at me made me kind of nervous.

"That's not surprising at all." He chuckled. "Chloe was interested in him since day one. She rejected a lot of guys for him." I raised my eyes at him. "No, I wasn't one of them." He chuckled and gave me a quick once over. "Blondes are not my type."

Is he... Flirting with me?

Not many guys had tried it on me, so I wasn't sure if he was playing or not.

"Are you all paired up?" The teacher asked.

"YES SIR." Everyone shouted.

"Yes, we are," Dexter murmured and smiled at me... again and my eyes went to his lips.

Dexter got a charming smile...

But not as good as Andrew's.

My eyes widened at that thought and I froze.

Why am I thinking about him?

I shook my head and concentrated on the assignment on hand. The teacher gave one frog to each pair, and we had to identify its parts and write a description of it.

"You have to first inject the frog. Then cut it open and-" all the girls in my class began gagging, but the teacher ignored them, "-write their descriptions for today. In the next class, we'll do the drawing and other work."

The girls began whining, and the boys laughed and made fun of them. I had no problem doing it because I knew all about these things before picking the course. I shrugged and extended my hand to pick up the gloves, but halted when Dexter took them.

"I'll do the cutting. You make the notes. Alright?" Dexter said, putting the gloves on. "I know this kind of thing gross girls out." He winked, and my face scrunched.

I am in this class for a reason. I want to be a doctor and if I can't handle a single frog, how will I be able to operate on real human bodies?

Still, I kept my mouth shut and let him do it. During the entire period, Dexter's pale face looked like he was about to vomit, but somehow he did it while I wrote things down.

"Times up kids." The teacher announced at the end of the class. "We'll continue with this tomorrow. Class dismissed."

Everyone packed up and scattered out of the class. I always left the class after everyone else out so there won't be any kind of interaction. When I packed my stuff, I looked up to see Dexter still relaxing in the chair.

"Done?" He asked, getting up.

Wait... Was he waiting for me?

"Yeah, I was." He chuckled and my eyes bugged out.

I said that out loud again!

Ducking my head in shame, I quickly grabbed my bag, and we walked out of the class together. We walked side by side. He didn't say a word, and I also kept my mouth shut. Some days I had my bio class before lunch and sometimes after lunch, so I turned towards the left corridor for the library and stopped when Dexter asked.

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