Chapter 9; The Tickets

Start from the beginning

We put on a good match. Every little punch I make or take is filled with passion. Tamina copies my enthusiasm and my passion, hitting and taking bumps like me. It must've been five minutes of just pure divas action.

Real Divas action. Not the crappy divas action that is usually on Raw each week, with all the pathetic holds and screaming. Real divas action. The action I haven't seen since the mid-nineties when me and AJs dream had begun.

Tamina hits a samoan drop. And it was a perfect samoan drop. And Tamina climbs the top rope and hits the perfect superfly splash. But I reverse it into a roll-up pin and win.

Winner and still Divas champion, Kaitlyn

AJs music hits right on cue. She skips out looking pretty crazy. Her emotion looks half excited and half like she is ready to hurt someone. She stops at the apron and I look at her waiting.

She goes under the ring and grabs a chair. As she goes in I take kicks at her and lift up the chair. I have no clue what is supposed to happen (why didn't Vince tell me?) but I think I did the right thing because AJ sighs in relief. She dives at me and sinks her teeth into my leg.


It's entertainment wrestling, AJ, don't need to bite a chunk outta my leg in fake wrestling.

I drop the chair and hold my throbbing leg. AJ lifts up and the chair and it comes down on my back. I take the bump and everything seems perfect. It was the perfect move on the fly.

Until my nose hits the ground.

It hurts.

A lot. 


I walk backstage and not until I am no longer on TV do I starting groaning and clutching my nose. My hand fills with blood.

" Oh my god are you okay?" Dr. Sampson asks me. He hands me a napkin and I immediately use it to stop the running geyser.

"Is it broken?" I ask weakly.

Dr. Sampson looks at it and shrugs.

"Can you move it?" He asks me. I move it around a bit trying to get over the pain.

"Yeah, yeah, it moves," I say.

Dr. Sampson grabs a band-aid and uses it to fix my nose into place.

"We'll it's not broken but it appears as if something is wrong with it," Dr. Sampson says to me. "Get it checked out in like two days. Don't work tomorrow."

I thank him and continue onto AJs locker room. She waits at the door looking upset.

"Celeste I am so sorry I did that to your nose," she apologizes. "I should've hit you in the side so you would've been able to land on your back."

I chuckle. "It's okay AJ, seriously. I just want some rest."

I begin to walk into her locker room but she pulls me back.

"Will you be okay tomorrow?" AJ asks me.

"Probably, why?" I ask.

"Well... I know you like the Red Hot Chili Peppers so I got tickets to their concert tomorrow," AJ says smiling. She pulls out four tickets and hands them to me. "Happy Birthday!"

"Thanks!" I say cheery and give her a big hug. "Wait... Tomorrows not my birthday..."

AJ facepalms. "Oh I forgot its not for another eight months"

I look at her skeptically. She doesn't sound like she was shocked by what I just said.

"Well I got four tickets," AJ tells me giving me a sly smile. "Me, you, I already invited Mike, anyone else you'd like to take?"

I groan. So this is why she got the tickets.

"Fine," I mutter and walk off to go find Wade. I find him by the vending machine like he always is.

"Hey Wade," I ask him. He turns around and gives me a smile.

"Hey Kaitlyn," he replies eagerly.

"Would you by any chance be a Peppers fan?" I ask him while AJ looks on from afar.

"Yeah they're pretty good," Wade says shrugging. "Why do you ask?"

"Well..." I start nervously. "AJ bought four tickets to a Red Hot Chili Peppers concert and I am just trying to find someone to take with me."

"Oh I'd love to come," Wade says eyes wide with excitement. "Sorry about your nose by the way."

"Oh thanks," I say. "Hopefully it's fine."

"Hate to see it broken," Wade mutters to himself. "It'd really ruin your pretty face."

I heard him say that right? It wasn't a hallucination?

Wade says something else as I stare at him wondering whether or not he did just say that.

"Huh?" I say. "Sorry I just kind of zoned out there"

"Who else is coming?" Wade asks me.

"Oh it's going to be me, you, AJ, and Mike," I say. His face goes sour at the mention of Mikes name.

"Kaitlyn?" He asks me.


"Can I ask you something?" He asks me getting closer to me. I can smell his breath as he talks now. Fortunately, he keeps his breath smelling good.

"Of course!"

"Would you and Mike happen to be you know like..."


"Yeah," Wade says. He suddenly cringes slightly as if expecting the answer he doesn't want to hear. Whatever that is anyways...

"No," I answer. "No, we're not."

"Good," Wade says smiling. He touches my forearm slightly and walks away smiling.

Okay, I know that just happened.

A/N: Yeah that's how they roll.

Next chapter is the concert FYI. And this chapter I decided to put a full match in even though it was short but I still wanted to put one in. Kaitlyns nose injury isn't just a one time thing, it's making a reappearance soon just syk.

Lol. I don't like the book cover so I might get a new one. I just don't know what to do though. So if you see this story with a different cover soon it's the same story. Don't get confused.

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