It was Eleanor, she wore a worried expression on her face. "Are you alright dear? Recor said you didn't look too well? Is it about the daily prophet? I'm sure we can fix it"Eleanor told. Hermione smiled, "I'm fine, I just didn't have a well of a night as I should've yesterday" She reassured. "I know we've barely known each other for 2 weeks but you know you can talk to me, right? I may surprise you on how much I could help"Eleanor smiled gently. "Thank you, I appreciate it, really"Hermione said. "Very well, come down to Breakfast than, I had the others dragged out of bed"Eleanor told. Hermione nodded and grabbed her wand before leaving her room, following Eleanor down to the dinning room. 

Eleanor was about to open the door before she stopped. "I forgot something, you go in and I'll be right back"Eleanor said, rushing off before Hermione could say anything. Hermione sighed and stepped over to open the door, when she heard her name.

"Granger was practically stalking them from our box! Either she's a psycho ex or he's a lying cheater"She heard.

She rolled her eyes, Merlin they loved to gossip.

"You think Weasley's cheating?"

"Of course he is, don't you think it would've been all over the daily prophet if they broke up?"

"But he didn't seem like he was trying to hide his thing with Brown, she's the psycho"

Hermione scoffed, pushing the door open and walking into the dinning room. The table was bigger than normal, and most of them were there, other than Eleanor and Michael. All their heads turned towards her, staring.  "So which is it?"Astoria asked. "Pardon?"Hermione said, sitting down in her seat.

"Are you psychotic or is Weasel a cheater?" Daphne questioned. Hermione rolled her eyes, what was wrong with these people.

"What is happening in my life is none of your concern" She told, putting some waffles on her plate.

"She's embarrassed, he cheated! I told you!" Astoria told, pointing at her sister. Pansy nudged her and Astoria dropped her hand. "Yeah, umm, sorry about that"Astoria mumbled.

Hermione didn't say anything, continuing to stare at her food, refusing to shed a single tear. Why did he have to put her in such state?

The others rarely talked, throwing glances at her as if she were going to break at any second. No one actually had a conversation till Eleanor and Michael entered the dining room. "Blaise, Hermione, will you come with us?"Eleanor said, her gaze switching from kid to kid. Hermione And Blaise glanced at each other but got up nether the less.



Molly's voice rang around the house, outraged as her angry footsteps crept towards Ron's room. Ron jumped up from his bed, grabbed his wand and looking around. "What is it mother?"He questioned, running out into the hall before coming face to face with his mother. Mollys hand collided with Ron's Face, leaving a large red mark on his cheek. "Hermione- my precious Hermione did not deserve any of this" Molly snarled, breathing heavily.

"Mother, what're you taking about?" Ron questioned but it was soon answered when he saw Ginny on the staircase, glaring at him.

"You lied to us! All of us! I didn't raise you like this! To sneak around and- and lie and betray"Molly went on, tears threatening to pour out. She glared at Ron, not knowing what to do with him. She couldn't help but feel infuriated. "That poor girl"Molly mumbled, walking away as she shook her head. Ginny helped her mother walk down the stairs, casting a hard and empty look at Ron.

"Is everything alright?"Fred asked, him and George entering the kitchen.

"Everything is certainly not alright"Molly muttered, bitterness covering her voice.

Fred and George stared over at Harry and Ginny who sat silently, but they just shook their heads. Molly left the kitchen to go to the garden and Ginny burst. "Ron never broke up with Hermione, he was lying to all of us the entire time"Ginny told.

"What're you talking about?"George questioned, sitting across his sister.

"Ron was cheating on her" Harry muttered, still not being able to comprehend everything himself.

"That fuc-" Fred was saying before dropping silent as Molly reentered the kitchen.

"When did you find out?"George whispered. "Last night, we ran into Hermione there, and than Ron and- and the wicked bit-"Ginny was explaining before the door of the house burst open. "I think I might've caused a small fire in the shed"Arthur mumbled as he entered, dusting himself off. His clothes were full of dust and burnt material. He walked over to his wife, kissing her cheek before asking if she were alright.

"I am embarrassed to call myself his mother. That poor girl, if only she was still here, I would've helped her in any way possible"Molly said in a low voice.

Arthur didn't seem to understand what she was talking about but nodded anyways before heading to the showers. "Mum, I might go see Hermione today. Do you want to send her anything?"Ginny asked. Molly turned around, nodding. "Of course! I'll make her some biscuits and cakes, she loves them"Molly said, rushing around her kitchen to see if she had all the ingredients.

"Do you want me to come as well?"Harry asked.

Ginny smiled but shook her head. "I'm entering a house full of possible murderers, as the boy who lived, I can't let you die just to see Hermione" Ginny told. Harry scoffed but didn't mention anything else.

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