Hermione stared at her, debating whether she should talk or not. "I've been cheated on"She said plainly. Pansy stared at her, slightly taken aback. "That's why you were watching their box" Pansy stated rather than asked. Hermione looked away but nodded. "Weasley was with Brown?"She questioned. "The entire summer"She added. "What about his family, they're in love with you"Pansy said. "He told them we broke up while I was at the Manor, but now his sister knows so they're all going to find out"She told. Pansy just kept staring, as if she were at loss for words. "You really don't have to pretend to care-"Hermione was saying, about to walk away when Pansy stopped her.

"Brown stole my boyfriend in fourth year" She blurted.

Hermione froze. "What do you mean?"She questioned.

"Michael Corner, She acted like she had no idea we were together"Pansy went on.

"That's what she did now"Hermione told.

"Granger, you and Weasel have been on the news since June. You were like a miracle couple aside from Potter and the other Weasel. She knew"Pansy scoffed.

Hermione ran a hand over her face, resting it on her neck. "He's been visiting her the entire summer in St.Mungos..., we were never truly together"She mumbled. Pansy stared at her in pity, not knowing how to comfort her. After a bit of hesitation, she put her hand on her shoulder. Hermione glanced over at her but didn't move away. "I suggest you take revenge" Pansy said shortly. "I'm not a Slytherin" Hermione scoffed, rolling her eyes. "Face it Granger, most of your bloodline is Slytherin, whether you like it or not, you have a Slytherin mind. Use it"Pansy told. She began walking in the other direction before realizing Hermione wasn't following. "Where are We going?"Hermione questioned. Pansy groaned, "Granger, I said we were getting food, we can't go back empty handed".

After buying more snacks, they returned to the box, the game was practically entering the thousands. It had been going on for 4 hours now. Flint's team had 1090 points and the other having 1120. Hermione sat down in between Draco and Blaise again, a bag of Fizzing Whizzbees in her hand.

"Don't you ever get bored of this?"She mumbled after another hour passed.

"Shut up" Daphne replied.

"You're just clueless"Draco scoffed.

"You would understand if you weren't leaving every 5 seconds" Blaise rolled his eyes.

As the time reached 1, the game ended, Flint's team catching the snitch first, winning with 1260 points. They got up from their seats, walking out of the box cheering. "Did you see how he fooled them! They didn't stand a chance!"Theo was saying. Hermione had to walk along the side, next to Blaise and Pansy. "They heard someone laugh and turned to see who it is, I doubt they were even trained"Blaise scoffed. They walked around half the stadium, down to the changing rooms to wait for Flint, sitting along the chairs on the wall. Hermione was just staring at her bag of Fizzing Whizzbees when Pansy nudged her. She glanced up and saw a group of red hair. Hermione immediately turned her face away so they wouldn't see her, hiding herself with her hair.

They didn't seem to notice As they walked past, except till Ginny flicked her head. Hermione looked at her, and Ginny rolled her eyes. "They're too drunk to recognize you, don't worry about them" She told. She glanced around in disgust at the others, as if she were going to throw up. "However"She said before pulling Hermione's arm and dragging her down the hallway. "Who was it that called you? Why'd you leave so quickly?"Ginny questioned once they were out of view. "It's a long story"Hermione mumbled. Ginny raised an eyebrow at her, "We have time".

"My mother, she's scared about what happened during the World Cup so she told Blaise I'm not allowed to be out of his sight. So if I go anywhere, he has to come with me. Like a bodyguard. And if he can't..."Hermione said, slowly lowering her voice.

"And if he can't?"Ginny repeated, gesturing for her to go on. "If he can't, Malfoy will have to follow me around. And the person you heard was Malfoy, he was looking for me" She told. As she expected, a smirk formed on Ginny's face.

"So Malfoy's your bodyguard?" She asked. "Only for tonight, but it's over so forget it"Hermione snapped, feeling her face go red. "No wonder you left, I wouldn't believe all the things that would've went through my mind"Ginny told. "And that's why I ran"Hermione scoffed. "Shouldn't you be going home, Molly will freak if she realizes you aren't there"She said before Ginny could talk any more. "Ugh, I forgot. I'll go now, but we're meeting on Saturday. In Diagon alley, in front of Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour at 8, morning I mean. I'll send you a letter to remind you tomorrow. So don't forget"Ginny scolded. "Of course"Hermione rolled her eyes. Ginny was about to walk away before she stopped.

"How are you feeling?" She asked.

"I'm fine, now go before the rest leave you. Say hi to everyone, well except to him"Hermione said, hugging Ginny. "It took everything in me not to tell everyone tonight, I'm not letting this go so easily. He'll pay for what he did"Ginny muttered, squeezing her tightly before letting her go. Ginny left and Hermione went back towards the change rooms. As she returned, Flint and his team were in the hallway, celebrating with the others. They were already planning to go drink some more.

"I'm going back home, tell Blaise before you guys leave"Hermione said, nudging Pansy. "Someone's going to have to go with you, either Blaise or Draco"Pansy reminded her. "I'm just apparating, I'll be-" Hermione was saying but Pansy didn't listen. "Draco, you're already half asleep, go home and take Granger with you"Pansy called, seeing Draco in his chair, his head leaned back against the wall with his eyes closed. He groaned, irritated that Pansy had disturbed his sleep but go up anyway. The rest walked out, going to an apparating point before leaving to celebrate.

Draco walked past Hermione, his hand going around her wrist as he passed. Hermione could tell he had drank a bit too much, the smell was leaking from him. "I'll do the apparating, you'll get splinched if you try anything"Hermione told as they walked out the building. "Shh"He mumbled, stopping a few feet away from the stadium. Before he could reach for his wand, Hermione pulled out hers and tugged him over before apparating away. They landed in her room and he almost fell over.

He put his hand on the wall to steady himself before looking up and glaring at her. "A warning next time" He snapped, running a hand through his hair. "A warning? You were going to refuse and splinch both of us"She scoffed. He rolled his eyes and walked past her, heading to the door. He walked out without a word and Hermione heard his door close a few seconds later. She sighed and sat on her bed, before she remembered something. They were all out drinking, no one would be okay in the morning.

"Recor"Hermione called, feeling incredibly guilty. Recor appeared in an instant. "Does mistress need something?"Recor asked eagerly. "Can you please make a batch of hang-over potion for Blaise's friends? Don't feel pressured to do it, it's fine if you can't"Hermione said. "Of course Mistress, Recor is proud to serve the Noble house of Zabini"Recor bowed before disappearing. Hermione closed her eyes, too tired to change out of her clothes. She rolled under her covers after kicking off her shoes, and fell asleep in an instant.

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