Fall for me instead (part 9)

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Beam's P.O.V.

I walked up to the hammock where Forth was. I couldn't believe how nervous I was. Who would've thought that I will end up having feelings for him. I'm still not a hundred percent certain. He looked at me hearing my steps in the water probably.

"Go away." He said after confirming it was in fact me. He put his arm around his eyes again ignoring me.

"Can we talk? Please?" I asked hopeful.

"I'm not in the mood." He said.

"It was just a misunderstanding." I said and he sat down glaring at me.

"Fine then explain it to me. Because I really don't understand." He said and I scratched the back of my head.

"It's kind of hard to explain." I said. I couldn't tell him the real reason. I'd be letting my feelings out.

"Fine you don't have to. I don't even want to hear it anymore." He said getting out of the hammock and walking away.

"Forth don't be unreasonable." I said but he kept on walking. I was determined to make him forgive me so I kept following him. To my dismay waiting there was the host and she had just asked for us.

"There they are." Said someone. I think it was Sammy.

"Perfect you are all here. So as your all probably aware we have two new members today. I hope you are all feeling welcome!" She said and turned to them. While they were talking I turned over to Forth and tried to grab his arm but he moved away.

"Forth." I said and he just shook his head no. "Come on you can't be mad at me forever. How can we share a room if we are still mad at each other." I said.

"Then we won't anymore. I'm sorry for taking you away from Yihwa last night. I shouldn't have done that. From this moment on we are not sharing a room." He said and I sighed. Stupid mouth I shouldn't have mentioned that.

"Forth, Beam everything ok?" The host said and I turned my attention back to her.

"Everything's good please continue." I said and she nodded.

"Ok then. Well to celebrate the newcomers and to get you out of the house for a little bit. We are throwing you guys a party. You will have dinner in a restaurant nearby and after a party. So get dressed and have fun! There will be a car coming to pick you all up at six." She said and everyone cheered except for Forth and I. When the host left he quickly disappeared and I sighed.

"What is he so mad about?" Asked Knock standing beside me.

"Yesterday I was going to share a bed with Yihwa instead of him and he got mad." I said realizing how stupid it sounded when I said it out loud. Knock seemed confused but I didn't have it in me to explain. "It's complicated, what about you and Korn. Is he the guy you were talking about?" I asked and he blushed.

"Yeah we were actually talking yesterday. I wanted to ask him to share a bed with me but I chickened out." He said and I laughed.

"I don't know seems to me like he might like you too. Yesterday he went straight to you when he saw you and has barely left your side since." I said and he nodded.

"Yeah I think I have a chance. I just need to make my move." He said and I nodded.

"Good! I'm happy for you." I said and he smiled. I noticed Korn approaching us.

"Beam right?" Said Korn and I nodded.

"And you are Korn. I've heard a lot about you." I said and Knock smacked me in the head.

"Hey what was that for!" I said.

Thankfully Korn started talking before we started fighting. Soon Yihwa, Sammy and Yatch joined us. We were all talking for a while before we had to get ready. I took a shower and dressed nicely. When I was done I went to the living room to wait for the others and Forth was already there. I sat down with some distance between us.

"I know you don't want to talk to me but I'm sorry." I said not looking at him and I heard him sigh.

"Im just confused. Your actions don't make sense Beam." He said.

"Lately I'm just doing everything wrong. But I didn't mean to hurt you. Can we just put it all behind us? I was having fun with you and we were getting to know each other. Can we continue doing that? Because this summer isn't going how I wanted it to. But you have made it so much better. I don't want to lose you." I said being honest with him. I finally turned to look at him and he was doing the same.

"All I wanted was for you to be honest with me because you were confusing me and you were. So yeah I guess we can continue to get to know each other." He said and I smiled.

"So you're not mad anymore?" I asked.

"I'm not mad anymore." He confirmed and I was relieved.

"So that means we are sharing a bed today too right? And cuddling?" I asked and he smiled and shook his head.

"If you want to. But I'll understand if you want to sleep with Yihwa or Prae or anyone else. I promise I won't get mad." He said and I couldn't help but scoot over and hug him.

"Finally! I feel like all we've done for the past days is fight! I'm glad we made up. Also I'm not sharing a bed with anyone here that isn't you." I said without thinking. Shit if I continue blabbering he will know about my feelings I thought. But I was relieved when he answer.

"That's good you better keep you word." He said and I smiled. This feels right.

"Finally." Said a voice that I recognized to be Yihwas. We turned around to see everyone dressed up already looking at us. They all started clapping and laughing.

"Stop teasing and let's leave we will be late for dinner." Said Forth standing up and I did the same. He put an arm around my shoulder and we started walking. We got in the car and they took us to a nice restaurant. The dinner was lovely and we were all talking. At the house we have become a little bit divided forming into groups. But we were all getting along. After dinner was done they guided us to the beach where they had a nice set up. It was a big tent with fairy lights. There were tables with drinks and live music. I grabbed one and Forth did the same. We were by each other's side all night talking with people and dancing. I was drinking quite a bit since I haven't in a while. There's beer at the house but I haven't been in the mood to drink. Tonight however I was happy.

"This is fun." I said grabbing another drink.

"Yeah it is." Said Yihwa doing the same. Forth still had some left.

"Let's make a toast! To being happy!" I said and we all drank and cheered.

It was the most fun night I had since joining the program. We talked, we danced, we drank but most importantly we had fun. But I woke up with a killer headache a no memory of half of the night. I just hope I didn't do anything crazy. But nothing seemed out of normal I woke up cuddling Forth. I still need to ask the other though.


So remember I said I was tired yesterday? Well today I woke up feeling sick. Turns out I have COVID which I really didn't expect. Thankfully as of now I am fine just really tired and I can't smell or taste anything. But other than that I am fine. Anyways I guess that's all for now. As always stay safe and I will see you all on the next chapter! Next chapter will be Forth's P.O.V.

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