Is it love? (part 6)

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Beam's P.O.V.

We stayed until late talking with Park and Lam it was fun. When we finally went up to our rooms it was two in the morning. I got in bed with Forth without complains this time. He also didn't ask any questions. When we woke up in the morning I noticed during the night I had cuddled against him. I was startled when I noticed it was raining. I sat down looking at the window watching the pouring rain. My movements seemed to wake up Forth.

"What time is it?" He mumbled sleepily.

"It's still early I just woke up because it's raining." I said and he opened one eye to look.

"Even better more time to sleep." He said getting comfortable again. I scooted closer to his embrace again and I felt him stiffen. He opened his eyes.

"What are you doing?" He whispered.

"It's raining outside so it's getting cold and you are warm. So stop asking questions and let's sleep some more." I said wrapping my arms around him. He hugged me tightly and I smiled. This isn't so bad after all. After a while I heard him snoring again and it didn't take long until I was asleep again.

Forth ended walking up first. When I opened my eyes he seemed lost in thought. It wasn't until I moved that he looked down at me.

"Good morning." He said.

"Morning." I said stretching. I looked at the window it was still raining. "I don't even want to get up." I said laying back down on bed. I settled into Forth's shoulder again.

"You're acting clingy today." He said confused.

"Is that a bad thing?" I asked looking at him. Or faces were way too close so he looked away.

"No." He said and I nodded.

"Good." I replied closing my eyes. I was about to fall asleep again when I felt him poke my cheek.

"What?" I asked annoyed.

"I'm hungry let's go have breakfast." He said and I groaned.

"Fine." I said standing up.

We walked downstairs after freshening up. Everyone seemed to be lazy today. No one was talking much. We grabbed a plate and some food and sat down to eat. Park and Lam were across from us and Park seemed to be in a bad mood. Lam was just as always. We didn't talk much. After breakfast we all moved to the living room. Mom walked in moving to the center of the room.

"So as we all know by now it's raining. It can last between today and maybe tomorrow. Hopefully it will end today but we have no way of knowing. That means the games are cancelled for today and you are all free to do as you please. There will be hot chocolate in the kitchen and snacks and we will be watching movies all day so feel free to join." She said and everyone resumed their chatter. Park stood up to go to his room and Lam sighed before following him.

"Should we stay?" I asked Forth who shrugged.

"If you want to we can." He said and I nodded.

"I'll go grab us a blanket, I'm cold." I said standing up.

"Sure I'll go get us some hot chocolate." He said and I nodded walking to our room. I contemplated bringing two blankets but I should be trying to get closer to Forth. Plus he's comfortable too so I just grabbed one. I returned to the couch and a few seconds later he came with our drinks. He handed me one before settling down beside me. I took a sip and instantly started coughing.

"This is not hot chocolate!" I said mad and Forth was stifling a laugh.

"Sorry that's my coffee I got them confused." He said and I scrunched my face.

"That's so bitter! I never understand how you can drink black coffee." I said and he just smiled handing me my drink.

"Sorry it wasn't my intention." He said pulling me closer. I laid my head on his shoulder something I always do when we are watching movies. He put the blanket around us.

We were watching Harry Potter. They decided to do a marathon but even if I love the movies I couldn't pay attention. I was lost in my own world thinking about Forth and I. How can I make my move? I successfully managed to go back to us acting normal he didn't refuse in any way like I thought he might. But going further I don't know how I will be able to do that. I spent the rest of the day thinking about it. When it was night and we returned to our rooms I still had nothing. So I decided to just go for it. I took a bath first so I was waiting for Forth. I was startled when he poked my cheek. I turned to look at him since he was laying beside me.

"What?" I asked.

"You've been lost in thought all day." He said.

"No I haven't." I lied and he rolled his eyes.

"Don't make me tickle you until you say the truth." He said.

"You wouldn't dare." I replied and he instantly came closer and started to tickle me.

"Fine fine I give up." I screamed between laughs. Finally he stopped. But his hands rested on my hips. I turned to look at him a little startled. I don't know why but he pulled me closer and I let him. We were now inches apart. He was looking at me intently. This! This is the perfect opportunity! I decided to lean in and I heard how Forths breath hitched. He was just looking at me as I came closer. I thought I succeeded but at the last moment he looked away and I ended kissing his cheek. I was left dumbfounded. Isn't this what he wanted?

"Good night Beam." He said quickly releasing me from his grip and turning to look the other way.

"Night." I said feeling mad. He just rejected me? I can't believe it. Wasn't he in love with me I don't understand. I glared at his back until I fell asleep.

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