Chasing you (part 2)

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Forth's P.O.V.

I am exhausted seriously. I've been up since 5 am preparing everything for Sotus. Then I ran the activity all day. Basically going back and forth under the sun. I didn't even get to take my lunch break because a freshman fainted and I decided to personally make sure she was ok. Then at four when everyone left we had to clean up the mess. I only had time to take a bath before heading to the moon competition to help Phana. So I'm freaking tired and hungry and this seems to be taking forever. I sighed backstage leaning on the couch and closing my eyes for a second. I wanted to get a snack in the few minute break I have right now but I'm too tired to move. Besides I'm going out to eat with the boys after this I can hold on for a little more.

I opened my eyes after hearing the door close. Wait who opened it? I looked around and no one was there. Without realizing I guess I dozed off for a few minutes. I stretched myself and was startled when I hit something with my hand. I looked beside me and there was a water bottle and a honey bun cake. I looked around once more surprised but there wasn't a sign of anyone here. I took the bottle opening it quickly and gulping half of it in one go. Then I grabbed the honey bun cake and there was a note attached.

-You seemed hungry and tired. Please take care of yourself better.

I wonder who could it be from? No one has access to this room except Phana and the few people who were helping but everyone's busy except me right now. I shrugged confused too hungry to care. I quickly ate the snack before looking at my watch. Ah shit it was supposed to be a 15 minute break and I've been gone for half an hour Phanas gonna be pissed. I finished what was left of the water feeling a bit better already. I quickly walked towards the stage and Phana glared at me.

"I was about to go looking for you! You are lucky I had something better to do and the freshman are a bit behind. We are going on stage in a few minutes to announce the winners and say the acknowledgments." Said Phana and I sighed relieved.

"Sorry, I dozed off for a few seconds I'm tired today. But it all worked out! I didn't miss anything important." I said and he shook his head.

"Whatever as long as you are on time I don't mind." He said. "Here's your microphone and you already know what to say." Said Phana before heading up the stage again. I rehearsed my lines once more in my head while looking around. Something caught my eye in the corner of the room. I swear I saw Beam with Kit. I shook my head that's not important right now. I heard Phana introduce me again and I walked on stage with the microphone saying a stupid joke Phana forced me to say.

Finally the competition was over. Ming the moon of engineering won. I gave him a pat on the back.

"Good job." I said and he smiled.

"Thank you Phi Forth!" He said. His other friend the one Phana bullies joined us congratulating Ming.

"I told you you'd win. Congratulations." Said the boy I believe his name was Wayo.

"You could've won too. You have the popular vote." Said Ming and Wayo shook his head.

"Phana basically bought it for me. He was the one to give a hundred roses." Said Wayo blushing.

"Phana did that?" I asked amused and the boy nodded.

"Yeah, his friends gave them to me during the voting and told me they were from him." Said Wayo.

"Wow, I'm surprised." I said letting out a laugh. Guess I need to be more observant. He went from bullying the poor boy to chasing him. "Well good luck with Phana then. Don't let him bully you too much." I said before walking away. A few steps later I found Phana who was walking in my direction.

"Thank for your help." Said Phana and I nodded.

"Yeah no problem." I said and he looked around before talking.

"I talked to Beam. He doesn't want to go partying." Said Phana defeatedly. I sighed.

"Is he still here? Can I talk to him?" I asked and Phana looked unsure.

"I don't know Forth."

"Just let me try." I insisted.

"He was leaving a minute ago. Must be in the parking lot." Said Phana and I nodded quickly walking away.

"See you tomorrow at my house I'm sure I'll convince him." I said before turning around and focusing on finding Beam before he left.

I looked around the parking lot for his car. While searching for it I saw Beam walking towards it. I hurried my steps quickly catching on.

"Beam." I called and I watched him freeze. He contemplated for a few seconds before turning to me. In that time I reached him. He seemed normal, well dressed, hair styled like usually but his eyes looked sad.

"Hey Forth, I'm sorry about your party I have assignments due." He said smiling at me but it didn't reach his eyes.

"Come on even Phana is coming I'm sure you can spare a few hours." I said and he scratched the back of his head.

"I don't know, I'm not in the mood to drink either." He said avoiding eye contact.

"Come on it will be fun. You don't even have to drink. Just come hang out with us. It's been a while. I missed you." I said sincerely and at the last sentence he raised his head to look at me in the eye. I could tell he was almost convinced. "I promise that if you don't want to drink I will stay sober with you the whole night." I said and his eyes widened.

"But it's your party." He said surprised.

"I don't mind." I replied and he thought about it for a second.

"Fine I'll come just for a little while." He said and I smiled.

"Yeah sure. I'm happy with that." I said and he smiled a little. He shook his head a little before turning around.

"Goodbye Forth." He said.

"Bye! See you tomorrow." I said before turning around and walking to my bike. Before leaving I sent a text to Phana.

-I convinced him. See you tomorrow at my house.

After that I left to eat with the boys.


Second update! We are doing good for now! After posting irregularly for the last few months this feels like a win! As always stay safe and I will see you guys on the next chapter!

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