(Captioned – "Happy Birthday Arjun! Don't share your tasty blood only to mosquitos but allow me too!!"

 From your dear friend- Shark!)

Arjun stood dumbfounded at the entrance of the room. A large grin crept up his face and he just couldn't stop staring at the room, but that changed when his eyes landed on his angel. She stood at the end of the room in his favorite attire- an Indian Traditional dress with Anklets on. That too- his favorite color- Peacock bluish-green shade. She wore the round dome-shaped earrings of silver shade that he loved playing within his fantasies. It was as if all of his fantasies had personified into a real live person.

"Happy Birthday Ajju!!!"

And Arjun finally remembered- His birthday.

What a coincidence it was, their birthdays were just side by side. First Annu and then him. He scanned the whole room with increasing enthusiasm and optimism as if nothing had happened the day before. Our Annu had been successful in lifting up her devil's mood.

"Wow, Annu! This-this is-s so-o"

"Shh..." She placed her finger on his lips, followed by her own. It finally happened!!!! The moment that Arjun thought would never come now had appeared itself in front of him.

 She was there on her tippy toes entangling her arms with his arms and lips with his lips. As they kissed each other, Annu's anklets tinkled giving the perfect background sound.

'God! This is what a liplock is, then I will never find the key if it makes me locked with Annu forever.' Arjun thought.

 He always fantasized that he would be the dominant one in the relationship, but in his own human tale, he had landed with a woman who dominated the driving seat. He was just the passenger after all, happy to anywhere where Annu takes him as long as they are together.




None of them cared about the time, or the ring tone resonating around them. Both of them sank into each other as if there was nothing, but them in this whole universe. All that mattered right now, was their time together. They didn't even listen to the guard yelling on the floor level..

A few more than 5 minutes later...

Both of them pulled out of the grasp they had. It was as if time had taken a leap and gone to sleep.

"Umm I-I ummm I-"

"Arjun, I love you."

The words he had been dying to hear all along, were there in front of him. But he felt he felt very different. He had always thought that whenever these words would come out of her mouth, he would be out of his mind. 

His enthusiasm would make somersaults inside him and he wouldn't even be in control of his limbic system. But right now, hearing them, he felt blank. He felt a warm feeling in his heart, all he wanted to do was just grasp her and never let go. Was this what it felt to be in love like?

He stood dumbfounded there, watching at his love, his whole purpose of life.

"Ajju? Are you ok? I-"

He took her into his arms.

"I love you too." Despite his best efforts, it came out merely as a whisper.

Annu kept patting him.

"Ajju? Are you ok?"

"I don't know..."

"Anything you want to tell me?"

"Many. It's just I don't know how to."

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