56. Muddy piglet

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There was a knock, the door opened revealing Seokjin

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There was a knock, the door opened revealing Seokjin.

"You did great," the alpha gave him thumbs up.
Jimin could only nod his head.

"Uncle Seokjin, please look at my puzzle! This is Coward and Albi, the most courageous mouse in the whole world!" Jungmine squealed running to Seokjin to drag him towards the almost finished puzzle.

"You did it? High five," the alpha winked to Jimin.

"How have the people taken it?" Jimin felt his body shaking.

"Do you have some time to talk?"

"Yes, but only if you accompany me to the nearest playground."

"Sure, haven't been on one since I was ten," Seokjin laughed helping Jungmine to finish the puzzle.

Twenty minutes later they were sitting on a bench watching Jungmine climb a wooden house then slide down a slide on his belly.

"He's playful, I see a lot of Jungkook in him."

"He will be an alpha, so... his life will be easier than mine," Jimin lowered his head, before setting off here he has taken his anti fear pill as his body and mind were messed up.

"One alpha has went through hell and back for you," muttered Seokjin twisting his insides as Jungkook has suffered as much if not more especially waiting for ages for him to allow him closer again. He has been suppressing his rut for four years for him, what alpha would do a thing like that.

"I don't deserve Jungkook," he muttered biting his lower lip.

"You deserve the world Jimin," Seokjin caressed his palm reassuringly.

"So how have the people taken it?" Jimin focused on Jungmine who was digging a hole in the sand with his hands. "He will go straight to the bath when he comes home," Jimin sighed.

"Does he like to take a bath?"

"Ah, he loves especially to sing and tell stories to his whole zoo of plastic animals. Takes ages actually," Jimin chuckled.

"He's cute, so... the feedback was better than expected. A lot of people are on your side, a lot already love Jungmine. The toxic or jealous part of the fandom will leave, but looks like over seventy percent will stay, you'll also gain new fans. A lot of omegas see you as a role model now."

Jimin nodded, he wasn't still sure if Seokjin isn't saying it to calm him down but the playground gate squealed and he saw a tall handsome alpha coming in, his hair tied up into a sexy man bun.

"Dad!" Squealed Jungmine waving his dirty hands that way.

"He looks like a little piglet covered in mud," Jungkook shook his head approaching the bench.

"Jimin has said he will go from here straight to the bath," Seokjin winked.

"Definitely," Jungkook was still amused, but Jimin got up to grab his jacket and bury his face into that stone chest. "You're good, you did great. I'm so proud of you," Jungkook kissed the top of his head closing him in his arms.

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