28. Won't wear

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"Some don't," Jimin felt his phone vibrating in his pocket

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"Some don't," Jimin felt his phone vibrating in his pocket. Unfortunately sometimes they don't have a choice, he finished in his mind.

The day of the audition becoming so vivid he couldn't catch a proper breath for long moments.

"Jimin are you ok? Here, drink some water," Seokjin handed a bottle to him he took quickly hoping his manager won't become too suspicious.

"I'm just stressed about the schedule," he lied taking his phone out to open the new message and see pictures of Jungminie sitting at the kitchen table eating pancakes with jam eagerly, half of his face covered by raspberry and cream while Haneul was trying to kidnap something from his plate.

Young man is eating well ;) said the attached message.

The next picture popped up showing Jungkook wearing a way too unbuttoned shirt to sweatpants while holding the big plate with pancakes he had prepared proudly.

Jimin chuckled caressing the screen. How much he wished to be there with them now.

Looks delicious, thumbs up, he wrote back.

Big hi to Dad Jimin, we love you a lot.

Another picture came showing Jungkookie smiling widely while cuddling to Jungminie who had his cheeks full like a hamster, the kitchen towel he had had tugged behind the hem of his pajama shirt filled with dripping jam and Jimin giggled falling on the backseat.


"No, sorry my friend has just sent me a photo of her son, it's so funny," Jimin sat back fixing his hair. "Ah, they're so crazy," he hid the phone trying his best to not to blush so hard.

Fortunately the car slowed down stopping behind the theater building so he could avoid Seokjin's questions, both hurrying inside quickly with the team.

That sight of the lit up room and that stage where biggest legends of music had performed raising goosebumps all over Jimin's body. Was he even worth to dance here?

"Jimin! What a pleasure to meet you," a really tall skinny man approached to shake his hand. "T-it-Stylish, I bet you've heard a lot about me."

"Um... yes Seokjin mentioned that you're the main designer of his favorite brand," Jimin glanced towards his manager.

"Yes, indeed. I want you to try on the clothes I have prepared for you performance later tonight," the man gave a sign to his assistant who hurried their way holding something that looked like a tank top with way too many holes and tight leather pants ripped along the thighs and calves.

"What is that?" Asked Jimin in shock.

"Your stage outfit. It will expose your body in the right way when you'll be dancing on the pole," the designer sent a glance over him he didn't like.

"I will not wear that," Jimin took a loud breath in and the man's face darkened.

"Jimin, the brand has signed a contract with us, T-it-Stylish and his team had spent weeks on preparing that outfit for you. The shooting director thinks it will compose with the vibe of that old theater and the stage lights amazingly," Seokjin approached when Jimin closed his fists.

"I will not wear it!" He almost shouted.

"Jimin! What is that attitude!" Seokjin raised his tone.

"I can no wear it! You... of course you don't understand!" There was no room to breath in here so Jimin stormed along the rows of chairs to sink on one in the far corner his whole body trembling, his fingers desperately squeezing over that awful scar no one in the world should be ever forced to watch.

"Jimin, hey, let's talk it out like adults we are," Seokjin approached, his tone all soft and calming.

"I can't," whispered Jimin biting his lower lip.

"I know the outfit is a bit sexy and exposing a lot, but you're extremely fit, a dancer. You definitely have great abs to showcase," Seokjin raised his brow.

"No, I can not wear that."

"Why?" Seokjin's voice changed, he sat down right next to Jimin.

"I just can't."

"Name one good reason."

Jimin's hands began to tremble, he squeezed over the scar tighter feeling some pain.

"I have a scar," he whispered.

"What scar."

"Ah..." Jimin rubbed his face then combed over his hair nervously, the anxiety raising with each word. "I had been pregnant ok," he pressed out when a scary silence fell.

Seokjin's face was so pale as if all blood has left it.

"I was seventeen, failed ballet school audition because of it," Jimin continued, each word cutting through him.

"What about the alpha who..."

"I don't want to talk about that," Jimin sighed placing his hand over the mating mark that was suddenly itching.

"So you proceeded with abortion?"

The question hanging in the air bringing back so many memories.

Doctor Namjoon's office, the papers in front of him, the pen trembling in his hand. That snowy day when he stopped at the pavement in front of Jungkook's university department to wait for him...

"I had no idea. I'm so sorry Jimin. You should have told me earlier. I... I will speak to that designer, we will prepare a different outfit for you, one you will feel comfortable in. Now go and concentrate on the rehearsal, it will be fine," Seokjin's firm hand landed on his shoulder bringing new pain into his mating mark he ignored.

Why was his manager so understanding, not calling him names or requesting him to leave the company once and for all, terminating the contract.
There was just silence buzzing in his head, the past unspoken trying to rip him into pieces so he got up walked to the stage then took the leather jacket off staying in those comfortable practice clothes to stretch and forget what has just happened.

There was just silence buzzing in his head, the past unspoken trying to rip him into pieces so he got up walked to the stage then took the leather jacket off staying in those comfortable practice clothes to stretch and forget what has just happened

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Thank you so much for your feedback. What do you think about the chapter? Jimin's outburst and the way Seokjin has understood his story? What will happen now?

Much <3

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