40. Audition

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"I can not tell

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"I can not tell. I have a pinky promise with Dad that I won't tell," muttered Jungmine happily.

Jungkook chuckled, he couldn't help, placing the bag into the trunk than slamming it shut.
The last thing he heard was Tae's annoyed tone.

"If that's so, I won't make you sin in such a young age."

Over an hour later they have dropped Tae off then returned to the house.

There was squealing and barking behind the front door, Haneul jumped at them the moment Jungkook opened.

"Dad Jimin!" Jungmine ran inside throwing his hat an scarf on the floor.

Jungkook sighed picking everything up then leaning in to untie his shoes.

"Dad? Where is Dad Jimin?"

That confused voice raised cold goosebumps on Jungkook's body.

"Isn't he here?" He asked standing up to walk into the living room, everything in here perfectly quiet. There was a brand new coffee table standing in the middle of the carpet, a piece of paper lying on it, with only two words that made Jungkook's vision blur out in tears.

'I'm sorry.'

"Candidate number 3068 Park Jimin," the lady who was leading the audition read out.
The world a bit upside down, the jury members tensing when he pulled the shirt down and stepped into the middle of the dance floor so freezing cold underneath his bare feet.

The music came, his head still off, but he moved, how he had practiced an endless amount of times. His breath uneven, the gravity as if double heavy today, each movement like lifting a burden, till the first aerial he went in smoothly to land hard when sharp pain sliced his belly.
Dance, don't give in, Jimin was yelling in his head but that pain was still too sharp to get up so he was staying curled up on the floor trying to catch in breaths.

The music was turned off abruptly, the room swimming.

"Look at that," there were steps, a scent he had been so frightened off, the principal pulling him up by his hair brutally then slamming back against the floor. "Look at that. The most pitiful sight you will ever see. This omega has disrespected us all, thinks that school is a laugh," the man was nearing so Jimin scooped backwards on the floor holding his belly. "Can you feel that odor? Remember that, this is how a slut stinks," the principal was nearing his hate filled eyes glittered. "This slut came to audition for our school pregnant," the man lifted him up by his hair pulling his shirt up to expose the a bit bigger belly and it became dark in front of Jimin's eyes.

There was laughter an boos from the other candidates breaking out.

"What a slut!"

"He has no shame!"

"Get lost and never return," the principal dragged him to the door then threw him out, the others people still laughing, pointing at him so Jimin got down that swimming corridor to the changing room to put on his shoes and coat. It was snowing heavily outside but he began to run, down the main stairs out, just out of here.

It's over, my life is over, I will never be able to dance again, to look my parents in the eyes, or my teachers or anyone. It's over...

His vision blurring in tears, the snow burning on his cheeks but he was ignoring that glowing pain in his belly running along endless roads until he had no more strength left so he was stumbling forward till seeing that building of the training center Jungkook was in. There was some trace of red behind him on the snow.

What's that? His destroyed mind barely registered. Wasn't it him screaming in the changing room, almost unable to breath, or was it someone else? Is that blood, he wondered glancing at his pants, feeling some warm drops rolling down his thighs.

There were people coming out of the training center, trainer Jung and Jungkook who turned to him and waved, but the world span again and Jimin stumbled on the snow the red drops laving the edge of his pants. Jungkook was running his way, but reality faded into black...

That day he has almost lost Jungmine and definitely lost himself.

The city peaceful behind the window of the hotel room he had rented, the glass with golden whiskey in his palm, the fluffy bathrobe covering his body when he was diving into the past. Jungkook was right, a part of him was still stuck there, regretting the choices he had made, but there was also that other part.

Will I lose them, he thought sitting down in an armchair looking at the opened suitcase. Was it even a real state, being here all alone, thinking that's how his single successful life would look like. Still, weren't Jungkook and Jungmine his strength, his life, his happiness.

'Whenever you able record a live,' Seokjin's text lit up his phone bringing cold goosebumps all over his skin.

What would he tell his fans if he had nothing to say, was even too broken to speak.

Would he ever record any vlog if it hasn't been for his family?

I should do better for them, he thought drinking the whiskey down, looking out onto the panorama of the glittering city.

Could he possibly stop running from the past but work through it? Start therapy? Do better so his family can become happier?

Jimin sighed browsing his contacts till stopping on doctor Namjoon, considering it, his trembling palms writing down a message.

'Can you please give me the contact to that therapist?'

His thumb over the send button, but his phone began to ring in his hands, the caller 'Mate.'

"Hello," Jimin took a loud breath picking up.

"Hi... um... wouldn't call, but... Jungmine is not well. I need you home," Jungkook was struggling to speak.

"What do you mean not well?" Jimin jumped up.

"He has high fever, it's not going down. Please come."

"I'm on my way," Jimin assured ending the call then running to the suitcase to take some clothes out, his gaze falling back on the phone and before packing everything up he reopened the message to doctor Namjoon pressing send.

"I'm on my way," Jimin assured ending the call then running to the suitcase to take some clothes out, his gaze falling back on the phone and before packing everything up he reopened the message to doctor Namjoon pressing send

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Thank you so much for your support and staying with me and the characters even through difficult parts of the story. What do you think about Jungminie not telling Tae anything and Jimin's memories of the audition day? What about his decision to start therapy? Are you ready to read Jungkook's part of their story?

Much <3

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