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I walk up the steps sipping my coffee

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I walk up the steps sipping my coffee. They don't even notice I'm here probably just assumed I wasn't coming. I walk over seeing them crowed around a computer and let out a scream dropping my coffee as I see a man on fire. They all jump in fright spinning around. I honestly don't know what I was expecting, I have been a cop forever but I have never seen a person burning alive. Clearly there are still firsts. I glance at the floor them back up to them. "So I'm here would be earlier Soph didn't want to spend the day with her Tin apparently his evil I don't know but I'm here now" i start to ramble. I had been working a lot more or at least trying to. Sophie was offical in preschool and Justin spends the other two days with her. My hours are just flexible, like they were when Justin was this age. No one complains either maybe that has something to do with the fact I'm a Sargent or the fact Henry will probably kill someone if they wronged me. "so what have I missed in the time Soph was calling her big brother a monster and me running up the stairs like a crazy person" I hear Adam laugh and Kevin say "dude" probably hit him in someway as well. That's when my eyes meet a blonde that's never here. I recognised her instantly, I could still she recognised me. "Sargent Penelope Voight although most people" "you got married" well there go the let's pretend we don't know each other. I sigh I could practically feel her dislike for me. "You know each other" "yeah before we got married" I answer angling it towards Henry but it was forever to hear. I turn to the rest of them tying to block her meer presence out. "So why did I just have to watch a man burning alive...turns out I still haven't seen everything" Adam and Jay laugh, Erin snickers all clearly hearing the underlying joking in it. "Your joking about this" She scoffs making me tense. She clearly wasn't going to let it go. Henry wraps his arm around me pulling me to him. He was clearly furious. "Someone is hunting pedophiles down" "well I cant say that out of everyone there isn't a better group" I remark everyone ignores Hailey as she scoffs. I sigh tapping Henry's chest "it's ok" he looks down nodding. "Call if you need me you know how good I am" he kisses my head before I walk into my office closing the door behind me.

I had watched them bring the suspect in closely but kept my distance. I wanted them to focus on the case and hailey clearly couldn't with me there. "Al" I call causing him to look over and instantly smile "we still need to talk about your grandson and my daughter" I laugh walking into my office. "Would love to but you need sleep" he sighs "you can on my couch or go home Al" he sighs rubbing his face "they let you drive" he laughs laying down on my couch. He suddenly sits up "you working on the case" he points to my board causing me to nod. "I'm not letting it go" I smile shrugging.

They had found a kid dead I had stayed back with Erin and Hailey. Tried to save Erin but given the fact the chief saw I couldn't really do much. "Erin" Henry called from his office causing me to get up from my spot beside her and go over as well. Hailey scoffs clearly not knowing anything. "The review board wants to see you tomorrow" she nods causing me to reach squeeze her arm from my spot beside Henry. "Hey what did I say when you moved in with us" Henry asked causing a small smile to break out on her face "I'm with you till the wheels come off" they say together making me smile. "Erin" I say causing her to look over at me. Henry had both his hands on her shoulders. I walk over putting one hand on Henry's shoulder and the other on Erin's arm "your a special part of this family and we are behind you" "two hundred percent" we all say together. I sat with her hours telling her how important she was, how she was an important person to this family.

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