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I refused to take Justin off life support

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I refused to take Justin off life support. I visited him everyday sat with hours. Same with Flynn. We couldn't give up on him. I know Henry couldn't either but he didn't sit for hours like we did, he buried it. Lexi has been coming over more making sure me and Flynn are ok. Flynn had moved in with us for obvious reason.

I walk up the steps slowly carrying Sophie Flynn not to far behind. I didn't force him to go to school, told him it would be a good distraction but didn't make him do anything. We were all to fragile for that. I put Sophie on the floor "daddy" she squealed racing over to Henry making him smile. He picks her up tossing her in the air making her giggle in delight. She was one of the few sources of happiness we all have right now. "You doing ok" "good as I can be Al" he squeezes my shoulder nodding. I walk over to Henry giving him a kiss, before Flynn hugs him. What can I saw we are now all about the physical touch. "Lillie" I spin around "Ellie" she races into my arms confiding everyone. "Thank you" "you should be thanking them not me" she nods against me before pulling back giving me a smile. I watch her leave before turning back to my little broken family. I knew everyone wanted to know how I knew her, I just wasn't in the mood for twenty questions right now. "I'm going to go see Justin want to come" I ask both Flynn and Henry "is it ok if I stay here" Flynn asks looking at Henry who nods "be safe" I nod allowing him to kiss me.

I walk out of the police station alone. Al didn't want to let go of his goddaughter just yet. I told them to call if I needed to come get them. "Ellie" I shout seeing the blonde girl walk down the sidewalk. She spins hearing her name her hair flying in every direction. "Get in" I jingle my keys point the the car. I walk over to my blue suv hopping in shortly followed by Ellie. "Where are we going" "well one we are going to eat" she looks over at me silently nodding.

I pull up to a small diner turning my car off and hoping out. I lock it the moment Ellie is out. We sit opposite each other in silence after ordering. "Where you going kid" she shrugs "can't go back to Brady and no one will want me" I sigh she had given up "darling Chicago is full of opportunities both good and bad you just have to fight for the good" she nods as our food is place in front of us. We make small talk while eating.

Walking back to the car I pause before getting in. "I asked you here for a reason" she gives me her full attention "I wanted to make sure you were ok" "I am always will be" I smile at her "I haven't spoken to Henry but how bout you stay with us" "will he be ok with that" "yeah and if his not I will handle it" she smiles "only for a little bit" "as long as you like kid don't tell Henry that though" she smiles nodding hoping into my car. I had received a message that Henry had gotten Connor to pick Flynn and Sophie up not wanting to bug me. It had been that way for the past few months if I was with Justin no one wanted to bug me.

I walk into the house "mummy" Sophie yelled racing over and jumping into my arms "who dat" she asked pointing to Ellie "that's my friend Ellie she going to be staying for a while" she nods as I place her on the floor "That's Sophie my daughter she's one and that guy on the could is Flynn my grandson" Flynn waved having watched the whole thing "this is Ellie Flynn" he nods I look around "where Connor" "got called in grandpa is in his office" I nod turning to Ellie "make yourself at home I'm just going to talk to Henry" she smiles "be nice Flynn" I shout as I walk away hearing him laugh the first laugh in months. I knock on his office door before walking in. "Hello Gorgeous how have you been" he said getting up and coming over to me. He wraps his arms around me holding me tight as he gives me a passionate kiss. "I may have done something" he sighs "what" he wasn't mad more curious "well I didn't go see Justin I took Ellie for lunch" "how do you know her...I got called to Brady back in the day I recognised her last name did some digging and her mother was someone Edward killed" he sighs nodding "she know" I nod "she knew Edward might still know him I don't know" he nods "I may have asked her to stay she's a good kid that was dealt a bad hand and we need more happiness in this hours before we turn into the Addams family" he laughs "how long" "well I may have said as long as she likes" I rub the back of my neck nervously he grabs me "you didn't say anything when I brought Erin in even if you really wanted to strangle me you went above and beyond making sure she was comfortable and at home here" he holds me at arm length "of course she can stay I don't trust he" "you just met her I wouldn't expect you to" "but if you trust her enough to leave her in a room with Sophie then I trust your judgement" I smirk shaking my head "Flynn is there and he is more Voight than any of us let on" he laughs "you sure his more Voight I seem to remember Anderson's being the crazier ones" I smile shaking my head laughing I lean up and kiss him "thank you" "I do anything to see that smile and hear that laugh you know this" I kiss him again.

We walk out of the office after a few minutes of just laughing kissing and holding each other. We hadn't done that since Justin. Maybe we a finally starting to somewhat heal. "Ellie" I said gaining her attention "Flynn" "what now" he rolls his eyes "Ellie is staying with us" "wait really you made out it may not happen" I smile "she does that you get use to it" Flynn adds causing me to playfully smack his chest making him laugh. "As long as you like kid" Henry said reminding us he was there "Ellie you May remember my husband" I point out causing her to nod "you can call me Hank kid" "she's the only one who calls him Henry" Flynn adds before looking between me and Henry "so who's telling Erin" this confuses Ellie "his daughter she's living with us at the moment and I will leave it to Henry" I shrug smiling innocently. I knew she was currently out with Jay, Henry didn't but as long as she passed the drug tests he didn't care where she was.

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