An Extrodinary Wife

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I walk up the steps "ok I'm here to help Henry is inquiring the Rufflo case rightfully so I always thought something was off" I smile them smiling back "I'm not taking leadership keep doing what your doing

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I walk up the steps "ok I'm here to help Henry is inquiring the Rufflo case rightfully so I always thought something was off" I smile them smiling back "I'm not taking leadership keep doing what your doing...leader thing is my husbands role" I wave causing them all to suppress a chuckle knowing how right it was. Henry had somewhat of a control issue but I didn't mind I kind liked it. I sat at what was Antonio's desk listening Erin give all the evidence. "So this girl" I point to the picture of the blonde girl "Jojo McKinnon had photos released I don't blame her dad I would have killed him if he did that to soph I know Hank would" I say walking down the hall listening to them question the father daughter duo. It makes me miss seeing Henry with Sophie. This dad didn't even know if his daughter did it and he was willing. Henry wouldn't do that he would just bury the case, take justice into his own hands. Both for the love of their daughter. I hope Henry never looses that love. I don't believe he will, it's just not in him. It is my favourite sight a father who adores his daughter.  "I didn't do it but I know who did" Jojo said making me instant pay closer attention. I needed to know if she was lying or not. I listen as she told Erin how Eric her best friend did it.

I let the team go off looking for Eric Scalise and his father Mark. Justin had rung with random questions about Sophie although I think he just wanted to know how to feel about Flynn wanting to close his door with Lexi over. I kept my distance I could see Henry was mad he wanted justice for his friend.

I stand in the office door heartbroken as Denny has Henry dragged off for a review board for insubordination. I knew what that meant. Henry didn't listen to him when he threatened. Denny paused staring at me. I could see his mind trying to work out who I was. I had changed a lot since I last saw him. Henry was scowling, the captain looking cautiously between us. I push off the door just as they walk down the steps I watch them as I walk over standing beside Al right as  Mark Scalise's phone gets a message from an unknown number "it's probably Eric his dad probably brought him a burner" Jay said "we could triangulate the location" Al added they glance at Erin. Her fingers tap her sides "do it Lillie would regardless of what I said" everyone rushes around as i laugh. I sat at my computer triangulating his whereabouts before pulling it up on the iPad. "You can't come Lillie" I stare at Al bewildered "I just watched Henry get pulled away you think I'm just going to let this go" "Lillie" Al began "you and I are going to build the case on Woods while they get him got to make sure it's enough to save him" I sigh nodding.

I had gone through every report I could get my hands on that in some way related to woods. I had Erin help until they brought Eric back. I get Platt to sign off on everything to make it extra offical before Erin and I drove over to the ivory tower. "I wasn't going to let your dad rot not for something he didn't do not this time" I told her before walking up to a man I knew had actress to the room. I ask for the captain Erin next to me as he opens the door. My eyes are instantly on Henry. I wish I could hold him. Tell him it's going to be ok I fixed it. I hand the file. He steps out of the doorway looking at us "this real" I nod "yeah he confessed Woods helped clean up a murder" he sighs before walking back in sharing it with the rest of the board.

Erin and I don't know what happened behind that closed door. Henry walks out a moment later with a smirk. "I knew you wouldn't let this go" he wraps his arm around me kissing my head "No you didn't you were worried It was like last time" I add as he hugs Erin causing them both to laugh "she made sure we had enough to condemn him" Erin told him making him smirk "she had to make sure I was coming back" I lean up kissing his cheek. "So Erin are you coming to Sophie's birthday" Erin looks at me "I know it's been tense for a while but she would be devastated if her big sister didn't come" she sighs "oh that reminds me Justin called earlier apparently Flynn is not listening and wanting the door closed...when Lexi is over" Erin laughs "oh I bet he loves that" "he definitely does I asked how many girl he had behind closed doors I told him to just tell Flynn how to be safe and not suffocate him otherwise he will be a grandparent and I particularly don't want to be a great grandma when I have a two year old" Erin laughs while Henry is just smirking. "So what's for the plan for the big three" "that is a hard one" I sigh "well Sophie loves attention so anything you do will make her happy" Erin said causing me to laugh "yep got a list a page long of everyone who has to come then I have an even longer list of people know her" I sigh "it's probably going to Princess or ballerina theme I just don't know whether to have it at home or a park" I add "have it at home that way she can do all her performances on the deck we know she will she will probably get Adam to join" I smile "his the only one apart from Justin who tries to dance with her" I shrug leaning back into the seat as Henry drove.

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