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I walk up the steps confusing everyone

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I walk up the steps confusing everyone. "Kim I heard what happened" I begin saying hugging her "so I'm here to help" "you don't have to" Kim said "where's Sophie" Henry asks "daycare then Flynn and Ellie will pick her up I told Ellie she could be hold alone with her but they have decided to go to Justin's so let's just hope Ellie is enough to stop the crazy boys and Sophie" he just nods I hear Al let out a chuckle before adding "Lexi mentioned something about Flynn" "oh yeah they have been all lovey dovey but we can discuss my grandson love life with your daughter later right now we have to hunt some animals down" I sat on Als desk listen to them tell us what happened. Or more like Kim tell us what she knew.

I walk into the hospital room. "Right you don't know me Sargent Penelope Voight" "Kim talks about you" I smile "that's surprising I haven't exactly been around" I sit beside her "why are you here sorry Kim mentioned you were talking some time off from working" "I was to raise my daughter she's two" I sigh "I know what it's like to feel victimised and attacked so I had to come I have this need to help whenever it comes to males thinking they are above females" I smile "not what I wanted to come here to talk about I actually wanted to check on you see how you are" "I don't remember anything" "I don't care I'm not here as a cop I'm here as Kim's friend she doesn't know I'm here" I sigh "I have been through a vicious rape and attack more than once I know what it's like to try to figure everything out but really not wanting to know all the twisted details" "it's a lot" I nod "I wanted to let you know I had been through it get all the thoughts so If you need to talk to someone who is Kim or a doctor here I'm here" "thank you" "no problem" I stand smiling at her before I walk out leaving my card in the beside table.

Intelligence had caught the two guys but it led to a whole lot more. I watched from a distance as Henry threaten a man who was training an army. Henry walked over to me wrapping his arm around me "his not going to leave" "I know that's why we have a plan B" he smirked kissing my head.

I stood at the bar. I was short black tight dress. Henry couldn't keep his eyes off me. Justin was keeping Sophie. Just like we thought he walked up to me. He tired to stalk me like a prey. "How bout I buy you a drink beautiful" "no I'm good" I go to walk around him only for him to grab my arm I see Henry get up from the corner of my eye "I don't think you mean that" "yeah I do" he forcefully pulls me to him "how bout we get out of here" he said I pull back but he was stronger "I'm married I believe you met my husband" "I believe I told you to leave Chicago" Henry said. His presence caused the guy to step back. "You married him" "along time do you get like a wicked thrill from teaching men how to rape" he looks between us "you know one day it's all going to catch up one day you will be able to be charge with accessory and I will be there" I smirk walking over to Henry who instantly kisses me "fun fact woman prefer men who are kind and not rough" I add before Henry led me out of the room.

We walk down the street his arm around me, holding me close to him. It was peaceful perfect. "I miss this" he said "yeah we use to do this all the time" "we should plan something a dinner just the two of us" he said "I would love nothing more" I lean up kissing his cheek. "Your perfect Henry never doubt that" he spins me so I'm facing him before he leans down kissing me so passionately. "You look beautiful tonight I don't know if I told you" "you did but I do love compliments" he chuckles I lean up capturing his lips in a kiss all over again.

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