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The unit was doing paperwork

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The unit was doing paperwork. Penelope hadn't come in, Hank was in his office while everyone else was at their desks. There had been one question bothering some members of the unit.

"Who's Kyra" Jay asked finally gaining the courage to ask the question that had been on everyone's mind. It was directed at Al and Erin. The two froze not knowing what to say, silently thankful Voights office door was closed. "Don't let Lillie hear you ask that" Al said sipping a coffee "it can't be that bad" Kevin said backing Jay up "just drop it guys" Erin told them wanting them to stop. Adam looks around wondering if he should tell them, but he kept his mouth shut for now. "Look all you need to know is that she was eight and it ripped Lillie heart out" Al added before getting up walking into Voights office closing the door behind him. All the attention turns back to Erin, everyone knew she knew the truth. "There no trace an eight year old by the name of Kyra existed here" Kevin adds "Voight and O buried it to stop Ma pain" Adam told them not looking up from the computer. By now everyone knew he was like a son to Penelope. They were all confused, what could be so bad that made Voight and Al burry it so protect her. Why does she clam up every time she hears the name or have a case with a child. "Just drop it if they want you to know they will tell you" Antonio told them "do you know" "not the full story no but I do know who she was" he answers Jays question. Erin sighs knowing they won't stop which will make Voight furious and Penelope so upset. "Don't talk about it with Ma around don't ask don't even bring her name up" Adam said before walking away "how does he know" Kevin questions "he was there" Erin shrugs running her hand through her hair "look it's not my story to tell just know it's a painful one" Erin warns before walking over to Voights office making sure they were both ok.

I walk up the steps to intelligence completely unaware of the conversation that had previously happened. I had been at the hospital getting checked out all morning. I walk into the bullpen smiling and creating everyone. I walk into Hanks office seeing Al already in there. I could feel Erin watching me carefully and notice there is no sign of Adam. "Hey boys" I greet walking over kissing my husband and hugging Al. "They were asking about Kyra" I tense running my hand through my hair. I knew it was a matter of time. I pull out the photo I have in my bag fiddling with it. I felt sick "you don't have to Lillie" I smile at Al's words "they will keep asking" I run my finger over the image "I will make them stop...they don't they are out" Hank said standing in front of me kissing my head. "She would have been 16 now" they smile "I know" Hank said wrapping his arms around me "her birthday is in a week" he adds "how are we meant to explain that we have a party for her every year without missing" I ask. I knew Hank wanted to stop the parties, he wanted to forget. But he would do anything to stop the pain his wife felt even if that meant throwing a party for Kyra."what do you think she would be like" I ask sitting beside Al. "I think she would have been kind and caring like you" Adam said startling us the door was closed I didn't even hear him come in. "But she was a Voight so she wouldn't take no for an answer" I laugh at his comment as does Al and Hank. "She also would have us all wrapped around her finger she would have played soccer probably varsity level" Al said leaning back looking at me "and she would have the detective brain to solve things like both her parents" Al adds smiling as Hank kneels in front of me. I get up walking into my office grabbing the collection of photos I have of her. I fiddle with them for a moment before deciding what I'm going to do.

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