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The incessant beeping is what woke me

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The incessant beeping is what woke me. The bright lights cause me to groan. However the only thing that moves is eyes. I blink rapidly waiting for my vision to become clear. It takes a minute for my senses to kick in but when they do I feel someone holding my hand. I slowly become aware of myself and what I doing. I feel something in my throat making me instantly want to throw up. I felt a hand on my shoulder. Just like a click of a finger it all hit me. Every sound every feel it was all so loud and strong, like I had been hit by a truck. "I'm going to take this out your going to feel the need to cough totally normal" Will said as he stood above me he slowly unscrewed something before he began to pull, like he said I was coughing. Laying back looking up at the roof trying to catch my breath. "Sophie" "she's here sleeping" Henry said bring my attention straight to him. I smile seeing him, his perfect smile. "Henry" "I have missed you saying that" he said making me smile. It hurt to talk but that wasn't going to stop me, I need them to know to hear me. Will moved on with his checks seeing if I could feel things, making sure all my senses were ok and I wasn't in an pain. The moment he left Henry stood up carefully wrapping his arms around me, making sure not to move any wires. "You have no idea how worried I was" I smile just allowing him to love on me, not that I ever cared it was my favourite time with him.

Henry was asleep granted he is a light sleeper. Sophie now in my arms also sleeping. "Good to see you awake" Jay said coming in with Adam, Erin and Kevin "yeah you had us worried it's been weeks" Adam exclaimed they glance at Henry "his awake just resting" I say making them nod "what happened" "Lexi called Al we heard a lot of it Flynn and Lexi were guarding the door with guys when we came through" Kevin told me "Kaci and Sophie practically dived into Hank arms when he entered Ellie ran straight to you Hank wanted to but he had two scared girls who weren't letting go...everyone in that room were the only survivors" Erin added making me slowly nod. "I don't think this family would have survived with you and Justin in the emergency room" Erin said sitting beside me "I'm sorry if I have been annoying these past few months" I would wave her off if I had the energy "it's fine you have been going through a lot" I tell her I struggle it out my throat still sore from the tube down my throat and not being used as well. "You know they haven't left Flynn either his up with Justin at the moment" Adam tells me, I knew they wouldn't leave.
Despite how in his own world he comes off, Henry would t survive without me. His world probably shattered when he found me bleeding out and unconscious.

Family Love 💠 [1]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora