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I was on the mend

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I was on the mend. Been out of hospital for two weeks. Henry had been hovering over me like a crazy person. I held Sophie so tightly and she held onto me. I think she knew she almost lost me. Hell I think they all knew. I was just worried about Lexi, Flynn, Kaci and Ellie they don't talk about it. But happy always comes to an end.

I was watch Sophie play on the playground in her own world. "Did you know your husband is working for IA" I tense staring at Jay as he sits beside me "what" "it's how he got out of jail" I gasp jumping up I was silently freaking out "can you watch Sophie I I have to speak to my husband" "yeah yeah go she's fine" I ran to my car not having a second thought.

I had spent the morning looking for my husband. Don't know why I didn't go to the precinct first. But here I was and sure enough there he was. I didn't acknowledge the unit I walked right through into his office. Not long after me he comes in closing the door. "Why didn't you tell me your working for IA" "who told you" "the entire police know and that's what your worried about" "Jay I was wondering where he went" I scoff "it doesn't matter why didn't you tell me you know how I feel about IA" I slap his chest. "Love" he tries to calm me but I was behind pissed "no no you know I just mad you didn't tell I found out from other people" I take a deep breath "I knew you would be mad" "yet you still took the deal" "i didn't to come back to you I couldn't bare you were all alone" "why didn't you tell me" "I didn't want to disappoint you you are the only one who doesn't look at me like I'm a dirty cop" "Al probably doesn't but that doesn't change the fact you lied" he sighs "you know how I felt about lying from the very beginning you knew how I hated because lies tore my family apart if there were no lies no living in denial my family still be still alive" I step back wanting nothing than to calm down, but I can't. I watch lies tear my brother apart drove him to kill. I have been asking myself one question since that day and the answer is no I don't blame him. They drove him off that cliff, drove him to kill. Now Henry is just as bad with his lies. Before he can say anything I leave.

I drove and I drove I went to the one place I haven't been. Never could go until now. I knew Cat occasionally talked to him, I cut this part of my life off. Pretended it didn't happen for so long. I sit at the Steele table quietly. I didn't know what to think or why I was even here. Maybe I had finally gone insane. Finally snapped. I fiddle with the photo in my hand, it was of Justin with his arm around Flynn, Henry with his arm around Justin his other holding me close in my arms against Sophie leaning against Henry. My family our family. "Penelope" he said shocked "Edward" I nod as he sits opposite me "what are you doing here" I slide the picture towards him "my family" he picks it up looking at it "my husband Henry lied about something big and it brought it all back" he listens staring at the picture "all I could think about was if his lying about more if I would be pushed far enough would I" I begin "be like me" he look up at me smiling I sigh "you can't be like me Lillie you were always so innocent granted it has been a few years so your probably grown up a lot hell you have kids" "two" he looks confused glancing at the image "that's just my eldest is 26" I point to just smiling as Edward moves his finger over Justin "Justin Henry-Edward he reminds me of my big brother everyday" his attention snaps to me tears in his eyes nodding "Sophie Grace she is two in a couple days" he smiles "why the wait" it's a normal question for anyone who didn't know our story "we didn't eight years later we had a daughter Kyra" I hesitated pass him the picture "Kyra Poppy"

 "Penelope" he said shocked "Edward" I nod as he sits opposite me "what are you doing here" I slide the picture towards him "my family" he picks it up looking at it "my husband Henry lied about something big and it brought it all back" he listens ...

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"She was killed got hit by a car when she was eight" I didn't want to go into detail

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"She was killed got hit by a car when she was eight" I didn't want to go into detail. "I couldn't go through the pain the three years ago I just I wanted a baby sure enough little Sophie came along" "who this" "Flynn Henry my grandson we found Justin found out a few years ago he joined the family and it's been perfect" "they look like dad" I nod smiling "Sophie looks like Henry" he hums he puts the pictures down "so vent to your big brother we have a lot to catch up on" I sigh "it hasn't been the same since henry and Justin went away" he looks intrigued "what's their last name what's yours" he knew I would have given up the Anderson name "Voight" "I was in the same block as Justin I knew he looked familiar Oscar you know Oscar was his cell mate we looked out for him" I smile knowing they met even if they didn't know it. "Justin's in the hospital he was shot on the head his barely hanging on" he sighs "his a fighter" I smile nodding "yeah he gets that like his dad" "and you your pretty amazing and strong your the fighter of the family Lil not Cat she crumbles and runs but you stay and fight for what you love" that's what I needed to hear. I smile at him "so tell me everything what have I missed in the life of Penelope Voight" I smile hearing say Voight "we it's been a roller coaster" he smiles "how did you meet Hank" "I stayed in Chicago while Cat ran off to LA" he nodded "I was alone...he was Alvins partner you remember him" he nods "yeah your friend" "Al introduced us they had been partners for like three years or something. Al invited me out that's when I met Henry, we talking a lot hung out after and a few months later we were dating followed by married four years later" "wish I could have seen it" I nod tears building up in my eyes "I do to would have love my big brother to walk me down the aisle" "maybe if I ever get out of here I will walk you down that aisle and hug my Niece and nephew" "I would love nothing more" "how's cat" "the same we were never close I love my niece and nephew but it's hard suddenly having her in the same city. Worse now that's she's blaming me for the shooting" "what shooting" "I took her Ellie who's my adopted daughter I will get you a photo of her, Lexi Als daughter, Flynn and Kaci I brought Sophie as well shopping...since Lexi was little I always took her shopping at expensive places used Henry's money. Soon Flynn the Kaci and now Ellie joined. We were shopping when people came in shooting. I took a bullet almost died Lexi had to shoot people same as Flynn" I told him the memories cloud my mind. "Told you you were a fighter" he smirks "he lied Eddie...I'm strong but I can't handle lying" "you won't turn out like me Lil" I tried to assure me "times up" a guard said "go home to your family hold them tight you will forgive him" I hug him one last time before watching him be pulled away in handcuffs again.

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