All my children

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I was at a park in the suburbs

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I was at a park in the suburbs. It was a peaceful afternoon, hot summers day with a fresh cool breeze bringing life to the world. The leaves in the trees singing in the air as the brush on other leaves and branches. "So he knows Does that mean I'm out" I quietly chuckle not taking my eyes off the beautiful vibrant green field before me "no and it wouldn't have made a difference if he knew before he picks on the type of police not what his wife wants same with Al which he knew we knew each other btw" "is that" "nope I told him after he asked me how you knew Justin he already picked you before got in because of you Adam no one else" he nods I glance over as Justin sits beside Adam, I see Jay and Erin who met up with Kelly in the distance. Will and Connor were working but I had place with them later. Everyone one of my kids were happy. I mean Justin is pretty cold to Jay but other than that they were good. "So what's up with you and Jay" Adam asks the question that's on everyone's mind. I glance back noticing the three had gone across the road to get coffee "his police don't exactly trust em" Justin shrugs not looking away from the field "so am I and Erin and your parents" "but you guys are family" "when's Connor getting here" Justin attempts to change the conversation "he might later but his working now" I answer. Realising that Adam and Connor could be the very thing to keep my son out of jail. We get up from the bench "I'll catch up" I grab Adams arm we were going over to meet the three. Adam looks at me confused as to why I stoped him "I need you to look out for him" Adam looks confused "I know his older and always been like your big brother but you and Connor are the most important things to him" "besides you" Adam smiles at me "him and Henry always had a complicated relationship" I add "but his always had you" I nod "this stuff with Jay it's pushing him further from Erin and in turn further from Henry I can't loose him again Adam" "don't worry" I smile as he squeezes my shoulder. We begin to walk "you know I wanted another baby" Adam looks at me "wanted a sibling for my boy but then Henry got shot and we were both busy so I just put everything into Justin" Adam just nods "is it wrong of me to still want a baby" Adam stops looking at me "you have so much to give so much h love I don't think it's wrong but I do think you need to talk to Voight about this you two share everything pretty sure Kim was jealous of you two. Platt somewhat mentioned the surgery that stopped it out having a baby off" I look at Adam "she didn't tell me she told Kim after she was shot told her you would know what it felt like" I nod "tell him and if it doesn't work out the way you want find another way. Besides you built a pretty cool family right here" I laugh following him after him.

I stood beside my husband we were at a crime scene. A ten year old girl had been shot. It made me sick. Erin was close to the body looking at it with Jay not far behind. Adam talking to witnesses, Kevin holding the mother. "Are you ok" I look over at my husband who's looking at me concerned "I'm fine Henry" he wraps his arm around me pulling me to him " I know how these case get for you if you need to go spend the day with Connor go" I nod against his chest "I need to be here and find the man who did that" I point the body "no person capable of that deserves to be on the steps of Chicago" he kisses my head walking away to the group "you alright Ma" Adam asks his voice make me jump out of my skin not expecting it. "Focusing on finding the animal who did this don't worry my love I already got Henry telling me to spend the day with Connor if it gets to much" he smiles "we all know after Kyra these cases get hard" I nod "I'm ok promise besides I have you all looking out for me" he nods kissing my head.

We are now back at the district I'm in my office staring at a picture of a sweet brown hair little girl. "You ok" Jay asked along the way whether that be from me or someone else but everyone found out the story of Kyra. But only few knew the truth, them being Adam, Henry, Justin, Connor and Kelly. Everyone else just knew the who she was nothing more nothing less. I place the picture in my draw "I'm good Jay you ok" he nods "were all here if you need" I smile getting up from my desk "I know and I love you all for that" he smiles going back to work. I walk over to Henry's office walking inside without knocking. I close the door behind me and sit down on the couch. "What's wrong love" he frowned giving me his full attention "I have been wanting something for a really long time and now with the memories of Kyra all coming back" I take a deep breath feeling sick. "What is it" he gets up sitting beside me "you can tell me anything and everything you know that" he wraps his arm around me "like you tell me everything the good and the bad" he nods kissing my head "what is it that's bothering you my love" I sigh leaning my head on his chest "I want a baby Henry" I felt him froze "I always wanted it but we were so busy with Justin. You got shot, the miscarriages, the stillborn and then Kyra" I take a deep breath tears in my eyes "are you sure" I felt sick. Did I really want this, could I go through it again if it didn't work. "I don't know I want it more than anything it's the only consistent thing about apart from you and my kids" he sighs "I don't know if I can go through the pain but I do know I got you and everyone else to help" he holds me tight.

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