Did i hear Correctly

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The team had been working a case with stolen drugs and a body

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The team had been working a case with stolen drugs and a body. Despite being there my mind wasn't. I could hear Als voice in my head telling me he will be thrilled. But he isn't the only one I'm nervous about. Justin the death of his little sister broke him, it's apart of the reason he got sent to jail. Adam, Connor and Erin who were there and felt the heartache of loosing her. Also Jay and Will who have joined the family, I know they will be happy. I didn't even know if I was happy. I was nervous but happy I have no idea. I had been locked up in my office ignoring everyone most of the day. I hear Al tell them to just leave it alone. I get up stretching my body before walking out of the room and into my husbands offices "I need to tell you something" he nods gesturing for me to go ahead "not here coffee or something" he nods getting up wrapping his arm around me and walking. "We're just going for coffee" he tells everyone turning to Antonio "you got this" Antonio nods "always" "we have our cell and radios on us if you need us" Al squeezes my arm whispering "it's going to be fine" as he walks past to his desk.

We found a little coffee shot to sit at. I ordered a tea peppermint knowing her won't question it if it's that kind as it my favourite tea. I sip the tea feeling the warmth fill my body. "What's going on my love" my hands fiddle with each other "I'm pregnant" he chokes on his coffee "I'm sorry what" "I'm pregnant" a smile breaks out on his face and he moves to kiss me. The kiss is filled with so much love it makes me melt. "Al know" he asks causing me to nod "told him yesterday at the grave" he hums not letting me out of his arms "I'm scared Henry" "why" he seemed genuinely confused "Kyra killed everyone set Justin on a path that led to prison you as well. I don't" he moves his hand to my chin turning my head to face him "hey this is amazing if they aren't happy they will deal with me and Justin will be ecstatic yes Kyra broke everyone but this baby may be just what we need" I smile leaning forward and capturing his lips. "I love you more than you will ever know Henry" "not nearly as much as I love you" he gets up grabbing my hand as I get up as well. "Let's go tell him" I knew who he was talking about. But really there were so many hums to tell.

We were now in our living room. I was sitting on the couch Hank beside me Justin opposite us. "Ok what's going on first the weird message and now the silence mum doesn't do silence" I smile as Hank laughs "no she doesn't" I playfully shove Hank and playfully glare at Justin causing him to laugh. Those two sounds always fill my heart with joy. They are my favourite sounds on the planet, their laughs. "I'm pregnant" silence you could hear a pin drop in the silence and cut a knife through the tension. "Did I hear correctly" I was now panicking "yeah you did your mother is pregnant" Hank says squeezing my hand "I thought after k you wouldn't have another that it was to painful" I run my hand through my hair "it was and Will always be the most painful thing on the planet I have ever gone through more painful than you two going to prison" I point to both of them "but I want it" there was a moment of silence before a smile breaks out on his face and he comes over and hugs me. "Can I rely on you to be an amazing big brother" he looks at me with tears in his eyes "of course" I nod smiling proudly he loved being an older sibling "can't have any of those other guys you added to our family stealing my title" I laugh shoving him softly "you tell them" I shake my head "nope just you two and Al" he nods "wow Adam is not going to be able to handle it" i laughs "Ruzek will handle it" Hank scowls making us laugh harder "Connor will be over joyed I know that" he nods agreeing with me "so will Kelly" he adds "I know Jay and Will will be excited" I tell them leaning back sitting in the middle of the two people I love most in the world. "Oh what about Erin" Justin asks "she will be excited I imagine" I tell him. Hank just sits beside us watching us talk like we use to when Justin was younger. "So you thought about anything" I shake my head "past telling you guys no" "I should move back in" he instantly said "can't have little one missing me" "Justie you don't have to move in we see you all the time your twenty four live your life as well" I say stroking his face "this is the most exciting thing in my life...I can't wait to annoy Adam with this" I laugh watching as he gets up leaving me and Hank there. "Him and Ruzek are close" I look over at Hank "like you wouldn't believe there brothers long before I even counted Adam as a son" he nods "so I can't talk you out of getting rid of anyone" "I'm not kicking anyone out of our family Henry" he smiles "besides Justin will be heartbroken if you kick Adam out" "they can still be friends" "nope everyone is staying" he sighs "it's not like you hate the kid anyways don't lie Henry you thought of him as a son long before I mentioned it same with Jay" he sighs not saying anything making me certain I was right. "We are going to be alright my flower" he leans over and kisses me causing me to instantly kiss back.

Family Love 💠 [1]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang