Chapter 16

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Chapter 16 | The final Goodbye?

A few hours earlier

Sukuna's POV

"Please spare me!" The samurai begs, I lousily slit his throat with no sense of satisfaction me, I looked around the small village I found that I had the urge to destroy.

But the same satisfaction I was expecting to feel wasn't here, knowing that as the days will come I will never get to see her.

I walked around the village with houses slowly burning down as I walked by, body's of innocent humans down to the floor.

This was not fun nor satisfactory, I sighed before running into full speed to God know where's, might as well just go back to my temple and maybe think of something to do.

But I felt this urge in me, to see the shrine one last time, now why would I do that? I can never ever imagine me going back to where I planned to leave way back ago, I didn't have anything to do anyways so I don't see why not.

Turning on my direction I fasten my pace which was possible, I can smell the familiar sense from a mile away, and the excitement rose little by little.


I slowed down on my running, slowly and finally I stopped, my head scanning the oh so familiar place around me, this was funny.

I planned to kill her since the beginning, but here I am now, practically wishing she was still here, it's because of the comfortable yet strong feeling she sends me, it was almost like a curse was placed on me.

Yes, a curse being cursed, how ironic.

But why do I even care for a silly girl like her? As much as I think about it she's not that special, she's not that beautiful as other woman I have laid with but is she the only one to make me rethink if I really am the king of curses.

That's right, I was still the king of curses, and you know what I do. When I want something, I get it.

My self was confusing, I was bound to kill that girl and stick to my merciless reputation but instead I became a disappointment to any curses alive, I had let the woman love and let her made me feel attached to her.

And the kiss didn't help me in any way, it made me want for more, crave for more. I knew it was a bad idea to do it but I still did it, who was stopping me?

Now why would a curse fall for a stupid naive woman? For once I Sukuna don't know what to answer to that.

Before I can run back and just continue with my miserable life I was startled by a running noise nearing me, I immediately then turn to my human form after realizing it was Y/n's footsteps, don't even ask why I recognize it.

I just turned my back to wherever she was, and then the footsteps stopped.

"S... Sukuna, you're here." Her soft voice calls out, some of her words were interrupted by a pant of breathe.

I remained to have my back only facing her, "You're here to ask for your hideous hair clip?"

I hear her move from my sentence but I couldn't care less about what she does nor thinks, "it's not hideous, it was given by my father."

I then finally turned around to face her, taking in the breathe taking look of her face and her hair flowing freely behind her.

"I don't care, and it's kind of careless of you to just leave it around." I say in a teasing voice before walking near her and she huffs out a breathe.

"You took it off of me." She defends.

I laugh a little at the way how offended she looked, I wasn't surprised to see her here, I was just surprised for the timing.

"You seemed so into the kiss we shared that I didn't think of you noti—

—I said forget about it." She sharply says but the blush on her face says other wise.

"Don't you have a wedding to manage?" I speak, ignoring the way she glares at me.

A sudden wave of feeling of another presence shocked through my body, I moved my other eye to the back of my hand to prevent for little princess over here to see it and freak out, then I searched for a human surrounding us.

And then I spotted a silhouette hiding behind a tree making me chuckle in the inside, who could this be?


Y/n's POV

I Stood there, not really knowing what to do as I watch my Sora's back walking away from my sight, the tightening feeling around my chest was still present, her words were like a sharp kunai pressing through my skin, my sweet sister had to see this.

Tears began forming once again at the thought of me being such a disappointment to my family, how could I betray my family like this? Now Sora had to handle this.

I deserved the words she let out, I was angry with myself, so angry that I didn't bother to do anything other than just to go back to my chamber and hid myself from the world.

I turned around, tears still fresh from my cheeks, I looked at Sukuna who was leanings against a tree with crossed arms in front of his chest.

"Please just give it back." I said almost begging for it, I didn't feel like fighting anymore, didn't feel like talking anymore.

I heard silence, my head hung low so I didn't see what he was doing but I flinched slightly when he appeared right in front of.

"You don't really believe those words she said, don't you?" Sukuna asks, I scoff before attempting to wipe my tears away as I just look at him blankly.

"I don't want to hear it." I say once more, my mind flushes back to her words making me tear up once more.

She was my sister, my siblings were very dear to me and I'd kill for having them hate me in any way.

"She probably doesn't know how to reac—

—I said stop." I say much more louder this time.

Sukuna sighs at my face, shaking his head lightly he took out the hair clip from his pocket and brought both of his hands to tie up my hair all by himself, making his face move closer to me, but he wasn't staring at me he was rather focused on doing my bun neatly.

My heart fastens, my tears left dried tears but none any more dared to come out. How can I ever stop myself from feeling this way towards him? And how can I ever be with Naoya when I clearly want to be with someone else.

"You think too much it's annoying." He says before backing away after finishing with my bun but some strands of my hair falls back on my face making me chuckle slightly.

"Go easy on yourself, my lady." He says with a small smirk.

"Thank you... and good bye, Sukuna."

"I won't be at your wedding, but I'll be watching... from a far.

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