Chapter 5: My Fair Sticksy

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"I do love shiny things... But! No. No! Nuh-uh! Nah!" Sticks shakes her head.

"Sticks... are you afraid to go?" I ask her.

"Afraid? No! Of course not! No way. Nuh-uh. Nope! ...A little." Sticks admits.

"Sticks, there's nothing to fear." Amy says.

"Look at me. I'm a feral badger! I'll embarrass myself!"

"Who cares what people think?" Sonic says.

"Exactly. And if I hear anything said they'll have me to deal with." I say.

"Yeah. Everyone at these parties is a windbag anyway." Knuckles turns to Sonic, in a mock noble voice. "What a robust mustache you have, Colonel Grumpkin."

"Why, thank you, Madame Stinkbottom." Sonic replies in the same funny voice. Sonic and Knuckles laugh and I laugh with them.

'Sonic's funny like that. That's what I like about hi- Wait what?!' I mentally slap myself. I shouldn't be thinking those things. After all, he's just a friend..... Right?

"Don't worry. You'll be fine. I'll teach you to be a lady." Amy suggests.

"A...lady? That's the thing that holds garbage, right?"

"No! A lady is a polite, sophisticated member of society. And you can be that! Lesson one: Don't discuss garbage."

"I'm out." Sticks is about to walk away.

"Come on! You can do this."

"Okay. I'll try." Sticks sighs.

"Great! A proper lady requires an escort for the gala."

Comedy Chimps reappears at the doorway, only for everyone to stare at him.

"Why do I even bother with you guys." he leaves again.

Amy turns to Sonic.

"No." Sonic says flatly.

"Please? I don't wanna embarrass myself in front of fancy folk!" Sticks begs.

"Eh... fine. But I'm not wearing pants!" I laugh at that.

Sticks races over and hugs sonic. "Thank you! Thank you!" I feel a weird feeling in my stomach watching the pair but decide to ignore it.

"If you want to be a lady, you'll have to train hard. You up for it?" Amy asks.

"Yes! I only have one question." she holds out a snail. "Can I take this snail with me?"

"Well, good luck guys." I'm about to walk off but Sonic grabs my wrist.

"Not so fast missy. You're doing this too." he smirks.

"And why should I?" I return his smirk.

"Well the gang's doing it. Why are you an exception?"

"Because I'm human."


".... I don't want people giving me weird stares or anything happening like what happened with those twins." I admit.

"You'll be fine." Amy says. "Besides, I still have my hammer." she smirks.

"Thanks guys."

"Off to lady training then missy. Pick a good dress. Make it blue!" I laugh as he shoves me out the door with Amy and Sticks.

(Time Skip)

"When meeting someone new, start with a compliment. Try saying something nice about their perfume." Amy says.

Sonic boom x my OCTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang