"yeah i remember that!" taeyong said in between chuckles. he pointed at donghyuck, "oh! and you're also saying something about your deepest darkest secr—"

"donghyuck hyung!" a voice coming from behind them appeared that made all of their attentions averts away. they saw the dreamies approaching them—well donghyuck specifically, "you're awake finally, let's swim!" jaemin cheered.

and perfectly, his toast is one bite away from finishing it. so he took the last bite and gave them a nod, "t-thanks for the toast, hyung!" oh, what a perfect way to get out of the situation.

the last thing they saw, is the dreamies dragging donghyuck's body out of the beach house and ready to be thrown on the pool. well, being thrown in the pool with his sleeping clothes on is still better than being cornered by his hyungs' conversation, apparently.

doyoung shook his head looking at the dreamies teasing the life out of donghyuck again. he then looked back at mark behind him, "glad you and donghyuck finally solved your quarrel."

"uh.. y-yeah." mark said, earning a nervous chuckle afterward, "um uh i'll g-go upstairs." mark told before dashing his way out of the kitchen.

"you're not joining the dreamies there?" doyoung tries to catch the younger male by his shout.

but thankfully mark did hear it, "maybe later!"


and just like that, the day flew by so quickly again, the moon is just as ready to replace the sun.

the members mostly spend thier day in the pool as usual, but not all of them though, some of them prefrred to stay in their own rooms and decided to be lazy through out this day, since there's not much to do anyway.

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