080. ꕥ From Good To Bad

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My leg reached across the floor of the Rover to kick Miller just enough so his attention turned to me, and in return, I gave him a cheeky smile. This was a little game I played with him every time I went on a mapping run. Whenever I got bored in the Rover, I'd find some way to get his attention, and when he looked over at me, I'd just smile. It was a fun way to keep me somewhat entertained and annoy Miller.

The duration of the ride so far was spent in almost complete silence, except for me complaining that I hit my head when Raven went over a bump. Even after all this time riding in the Rover and even driving it, I still wasn't used to the sudden movement when we hit something. My eyes caught on Octavia riding Helios leading the way when Raven hit another bump, causing my hand to find its way to the handlebar that was next to me. It wasn't until Jasper started terribly humming to the song playing on his music player that someone other than me spoke.

"But the day, after today."

Monty was obviously annoyed with Jasper, so he went forward and snatched the earbuds out of his ears. "No way. If you're gonna ride shotgun, you can't just disappear.

Jasper took matters into his own hands, unplugged his headphones, and plugged in the auxiliary cord that led to the Rover's speaker. When Monty caught sight of this, he tried to reach his arm forward, only for Bellamy to grab his wrist. "It's okay. It's a long ride."

Monty didn't do anything, but lean back in his seat as the song's pace started to pick up, making me grin and putting everyone in an instantly better mood. Across from me, Miller had begun to play the air drums, which only made my smile grow wider. I recognized the song that was playing as Add It Up. I heard it before when I sat Jasper with one of the many times through the last three months.

"Why can't I get just one kiss? Why can't I get just one kiss?" Jasper and I started to sing along as Miller kept on drumming. As I sang the next part, I swayed closer to Bellamy, nudging his shoulder. "Believe me, there's some things I wouldn't miss but I look at your pants and I need a kiss."

Bellamy was not having any of it, and I personally made it my job to get him to have a little fun. Jasper got Raven to start singing, and it was now four against the two grumpy people in the Rover. Miller took care of making Monty smile as most of us sang horribly to the song. "Why can't I get just one screw? Why can't I get just one screw? Believe me, I know what to do but something won't let me make love to you."

Miller leaned into Monty the same time I pecked a kiss on Bellamy's cheek, which caused him to tilt his head down and finally smile. My grin spread further across my face. "See, it's okay to have little fun, grumpy."

"Day, after day." Monty actually started to sing along with us, but Bellamy had only a tiny smirk on his face that he was trying to hide. Raven sped up the Rover surpassing the speed of Helios. "I get angry and I will say. The day it's in my sights when I take a bow and say goodnight. Don't shoot shoot shoot that thing at me. Don't shoot shoot shoot that thing at me. You know you got my sympathy."

At the last part, Jasper climbed from the passenger's seat and into the back to stick his head out of the turret. From where I still sat, I could hear his yells of joy, and it only made me smile even more to realize that he was having fun.

Our happiness was not long-lasting as the navigator on the dash started beeping. My head snapped to the front to see Raven turn off the music and look at the device to see it was picking up a location.

"Tracking beacon from the Ark." Monty breathed out before climbing into the passenger as Raven drove the Rover to a stop.

Jasper came back into the Rover with a small frown tugging at his lips as his eyes were soft. "Hey, that was the best part."

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